Monday, 29 February 2016

Solve your financial dilemmas

No one likes to budget. It’s a lot of work for little reward. But the secret of budgeting and personal financial management is simply to ensure that there’s just enough money left over each month to pay your bills and maybe have a little fun. Many people do not budget but it should be done to really help you get ahead.

If you have made poor financial decisions over time – and it happens to the best of us – you may have allowed your bills (your loans) to get out of control. This could come back to haunt you if you want a loan for a car or a house or anything else you need to get a loan to buy.

Here’s what you need to make sure that you have control over your financial situation. Here are some valuable budgeting techniques to guide you in your expenses and income.

The first thing you want to do is make sure that you pay for your utilities on time and in full every month. Don’t wait until it’s too late to pay them. The second thing you need to do is make sure that you don’t have too many credit cards. Only a few credit cards are necessary to get by in life. You should consider cutting up the rest of them. And the third thing you should do you, if your bills have gotten the best of you, is to consolidate them into a single loan. This will enable you to pay them off over time without getting slammed with high interest rates.

Finally, establish a budget for yourself. This seems difficult and that’s why most people don’t do it. And because people don’t have a budget they find themselves in financial straits.

The easiest way to establish a budget is to take a draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left, write down your after tax household income. Be sure to write down the after tax amount as you want to measure available income only. After all, you don’t get to spend the before tax amount, right?

In the right column, list an average of each monthly bill. But you should also include your typical spending habits as well, like eating out, or impulse shopping. Don’t forget to include paying off your credit card as part of the bills!

Now that you have a list of income and expenses, see if there’s a way to increase your income, or reduce your expenses. Usually you’ll find a way to do a little to both.

While it seems so simplistic, so few people do it. And yet, creating a budget and sticking to it often separates the successful people from everyone else. What’s stopping you from doing it right now?

Sunday, 28 February 2016

One unstoppable tested method for starting an internet marketing business

What if you...?

What if you had hundreds or thousands of double opt-in subscribers reading valuable contant from you every week? Leading internet marketers and affiliate program marketers say this is essential for builiding and optimizing a profitable list.

There are really only three reasons for using a system to find and attract prospects. They are:

1. To build and maintain a list of qualified and educated prospects

2. To generate affiliate program revenue which you will reinvest in advertising your system and business

3. To enroll and/or develop repeat customers and business builders.

One popular and effective way to do this is to offer a complimentary tool or e-book to subscribers. One caveat, though: you must provide valuable and useful content in a newsletter and website to maintain and build your list.

An efficient way to provide a free report is to offer a downloadable document in Adobe pdf format.

No matter what format you use to create your downloadable brochures, make sure you convert them into PDF. The reason? Adobe makes their Reader available to everyone at no charge. So no matter whether your potential customer is using Microsoft or Apple, or running a Corel Office suite, or Microsoft Office, he or she will be able to download and read your brochure. As a bonus, the PDF will be locked; no one can edit the text of the brochure and create an image problem for you down the road.

There are a surprising number on websites on the internet that are there to help you set up and market your new business. They are aimed specifically at beginners who may have good business skills but be unfamiliar with how to make a website that will catch the eye of potential customers. Surprisingly most of these sites are not looking for money

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to join an already established business and work for them marketing their product online. This can be a good step for beginners who may not be ready to try it completely on their own. The problem is that often these businesses take years before you actually turn a profit. So, if this is the path you want to take, make sure you investigate it thoroughly before signing up.

One of the best marketing tools to enhance your website is the ability of a prospective customer to contact you online, without having to create an email. Consider adding a page to your site that allows consumers to enter their data and generate a short query to you. Make sure you respond to each query as soon as possible, but certainly no later than twenty-four hours after the query is sent.

One thing beginners need to learn is how to keep to a budget when setting up their internet business. Marketing your product or service can be costly and if you are not careful in the first few months you can get carried away and spend way too much. Set yourself a limit on what you want to spend and keep to it.

Tips for healthcare savings what every person should know

Are you interested in saving on your health care needs? Do you occasionally need a prescription drug, only to have to do without because you can't afford it? How many times, just this year alone, have you looked at your smile wishing you could go to the dentist?

Not only can you save on these needs, but you can also save on vision and hearing needs as well. With the healthcare savings tips below, you can take care of yourself and family members without going broke.

Save at the Pharmacy

There are several ways to save money at the pharmacy. If you own a business, both over-the-counter and prescription medications are tax deductible. When you file taxes, you can use medical bills as leverage to save on your tax bill. This adds up quickly when buying expensive prescription drugs.

There are also special discount cards designed specifically to save you dollars at the pharmacy. With these cards, you can get antibiotics prescribed by a physician at discounted rates and short-term medications such as painkillers, which you shouldn't have to do without when you need them. Also with many discount prescription drug cards and pharmacy plans, you can visit almost any major pharmacy chain.

Another way to save on prescription drugs is to always ask for a "generic" brand. Generic brands can be substituted for name brand prescription drugs if the physician permits it. Generic drugs are often less expensive but have the same healing properties. There are also herbal remedies that can sometimes be substituted for prescription medications. Check with your doctor and pharmacist to see if this is a possible solution.

Saving at the Dentist

You can also realize savings on your annual dental cleaning as well as root canals. Getting a crown can really make you dig deep into your purse. Luckily there are health savings plans that can help you with these and other orthodontia needs so your beautiful smile can be a reality instead of just a wish. Just as medical doctor bills and prescription drugs, dental bills are also tax deductible if you own a business.

There are also independent dental insurance plans you can purchase if your current insurance company does not offer a dental plan. You can use the Internet to research plans that are available in your state. Though these plans often have a very limited maximum payout per year, they can be helpful in saving on individual dentist bills if you go regularly.

Savings on Vision Care

Does a saving of up to 60% on vision care interest you? It should, knowing that a pair of eyeglasses just five years ago was well over $350! Not to mention the average eye exam at around $75. Yes, vision care can get quite expensive these days. You don't have to put off going to the eye doctor any longer just because you can't afford it. Most people do put it off for that very reason.

Healthcare savings plans and discount cards are also available for vision care. And yes, this too is tax deductible for business owners. Another way to realize savings on eyeglasses is to keep your same frames when getting a new prescription. The new lens can be placed in your old frames so you won't have to pay for new frames.

With these savings, you don't have to feel guilty for taking care of your much-needed eyesight any longer.

Savings on Hearing Care

That old saying, "Nothing lasts forever" can be so true. It seems that the hearing is usually one of the first senses to start fading. You shouldn't have to be embarrassed when the time comes that a hearing aid is needed to boost your hearing. It's all a part of life. Whether you are more interested in ordering products through the mail or visiting a local hearing aid center near you, there are healthcare savings plans to help you save money on hearing products and exams.

Use these tips to realize tremendous savings on your health needs and live your life without worry of outrageous medical expenses!

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Saving time by using a ticket broker

Do you want to know the biggest reason most people use ticket brokers in order to buy performance tickets, event tickets and sporting tickets? It’s not the price (although many brokers are more than reasonable) and it’s not the ease (although phone and internet shopping is a heck of a lot easier then buying your tickets from the stadium). In fact, it’s a lot more trivial then that…it’s the time. People like time because time is the one thing you can never get back. It is possible to save time through using a ticket broker…here’s how:

Ticket brokers do the looking for you. One of the most attractive features of using a ticket broker is that they actually do 100 percent of the work for you, and they do it quickly. Most brokers have a legion of part-time employees who work on buying event tickets at low prices all over the country. These employees are actually brining the broker the capital with which the broker turns around and gives to you at a still unbeatable price. But how does this help save you time? You don’t have to go to the stadium and purchase the tickets yourself. Stadium ticket booths are notoriously known for having long lines, bad seating options and no shot at getting multiple tickets within the same vicinity. Ticket brokers are known for quite the opposite.

How else can using a ticket broker for buying your tickets save you time? Ticket brokers can send you the tickets to you days before the event, even next - day air if you wish. No more placing a ticket order and having to go into some office to pick them up. No more calling the ticket booth at the stadium and having to go in a few days later to pick them up. Save time, use a ticket broker.

You also won’t have to buy your tickets until a few days before the event you want to go to. This will save you time in deciding whether or not you actually want to go to the performance in the first place. Brokers hold your tickets until they can’t hold them any longer so take your time, weigh your options.

The best way to use ticket brokers in the most efficient manner is to pick a single ticket broker and use them for your every need. Many brokers love building personal relationships with their clients and the more they can do this, the more effective (and quickly!) you can get the best seats at the right events. This will even help the broker get a better understanding on what you like and where you enjoy sitting. They may even offer some games at discounted prices, since you are a consistent client.

If you are interested in saving time and not wasting a penny, look into purchasing tickets through the help of a ticket broker rather then through the stadium ticket booths. You won’t regret it and your watch will thank you.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Life advice a lost friend speaks

When my friend sensed that in a few weeks the light of life was about to be extinguished, and that there was no more hope for him, he called me to his side and said, "If only I had lived my life differently, I might not have felt such an emptiness now. Promise me," he caught my hand, "Promise me that you won't make the same mistake." And when I asked him what mistakes, he asked me to get a pen and paper and to jot down his last words. Here they are in condensed form:

1) Talk less; listen more.

2) Listen to your grandfather's stories about his youth. When he's gone, you will relive the bond through these memories.

3) Invite friend over for a snack or dinner even if the house is a mess.

4) Eat popcorn in the living room even though its messy.

5) Invite the friends who have children home. Don't worry about their children creating a mess.

6) Sit on the grass even though it dirties your pants.

7) Never buy something just because it lasts for a long time or because it is practical.

8) Stay in bed and at home when sick and stop pretending that the world cannot go one without me for a day.

9) Light up the wonderfully crafted candles and let them burn out. Better this than they accumulate dust in the closet.

10) Share life's responsibilities with a partner, not only expenses.

11) (Meant for Women) Instead of waiting for the pregnancy to get over, cherish each moment in your heart. Understand that the life in you is the only chance you will get to help god create magic.

12) Let your children hug and kiss you whenever they wish to. Don't stop them by saying things like: later, go wash your hands first, we have to eat dinner.

13) Say the following two phrases as often as possible: "I love you" and "I am sorry."

14) Stop worrying about who loves or and who doesn't or about what others have or don't have.

15) Cherish all personal human relations.

16) Play with a pet every day. Laugh and run with it and take part in all its antics.

17) Spend more time with the people who love you.

18) Stop sweating because of all the small details and problems of life.

19) Grab every moment, look at it and live it. That moment will never return again.

Her name was Susan, and she had one six year old daughter. Susan taught me these few basic ideals that I have tried to follow in honour of her memory. It has made me a better man, a much nicer husband and in general, a happier person. Even now I can hear her say that God has blessed each and every one of us, and that we should accept these blessings and strive to become stronger both physically, mentally and also emotionally. I will always remember what she said to me the last time we met: "Jack, you are lucky. Don't blow it."

Candy alternatives for trick or treaters

While Halloween has long been synonymous with costumes and candy, some parents are looking for alternative treats. With a rise in childhood obesity and overall poor eating habits, many parents are concerned about the amount of sugar getting consumed on Halloween night and after. Plus, with fears of poisoning, razor blades, and other hazards from less than savory characters, it is no wonder that for some, candy is taking a back seat.

No matter the reasons behind your choice, you can still choose treats for your trick or treaters that are fun if not sweet. Here are some ideas of things that you can give out instead.

Pencils, pens, and erasers

Since many of the trick or treaters that you will see will be of the school-age variety, these can be a fun gift. You can often find these in fun Halloween themes at your local store. Look for fun designs with pumpkins, bats, and other Halloween themes. Shaped erasers can also be fun. You will just want to be careful that none would be considered a possible choking hazard for the tinier trick or treaters that will knock on your door.

Stickers and tattoos

Nearly every kid loves stickers, and you can often find these inexpensively in bulk. You can look for Halloween themed ones if you would like, or simply of characters and items that are popular at the moment. For instance, Dora and Elmo are popular with the preschool set, while older kids may enjoy princesses, butterflies, superheroes, and cartoon characters. You can also find temporary tattoos with similar themes to hand out as well.

Game tokens and coupons

If there is a popular hang out in your neighborhood that has games kids can play using tokens, handing out a couple of tokens to each child can be a fun Halloween surprise. Also, some retailers will sell coupon books for a free item to hand out on Halloween – such as a free ice cream cone. This allows parents to save the treat for a time that is not so sugar-laden.

Party favors

Your local party supply store will often have a large stock of Halloween party favors available in October. Things like plastic spider rings, glow sticks, rubber bats, and fake teeth can all be fun alternatives to hand out in the place of candy.

Clearance sales and dollar stores

Often, you can find a selection of small toys for very little money by browsing the clearance section of your favorite store and/or local dollar stores. Look for things like small toys, crayons, books, and other kid-friendly items. If you plan ahead and shop throughout the year, you can certainly develop a varied cache before Halloween. Kids will be so impressed with the cool items that you have they won't even miss the few extra pieces of candy!

Single serving packages

If you still want to do an edible item, many grocery stores sell snacks in single serving packages. For instance, many companies are joining in on the 100 calorie pack trend, so you can find a variety of snacks that are still somewhat healthy. Fruit snacks, juice boxes, or even mini bags of pretzels can be a good option. It is usually advisable to stay away from things that include nuts because of allergies some of your trick or treaters might have.

With a little creativity, you can come up with fun Halloween treats that don't involve sweets that your trick or treaters will love just the same.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Throughout the ages a celebration of moms

The average consumer in America is planning to spend nearly $100 for Mother's Day, most likely to shower his or her mom with gifts, flowers and candy. Mothers have been honored in this way throughout history.

During the 1600s, for instance, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday." Traditionally, it was a day when children who worked as servants were given a day off to visit home. They would bring special cakes to their mothers, who then would give blessings to their children. The custom was called "going a-mothering."

Today, many countries around the world -- including Mexico, China, Turkey, Finland and Russia, to name a few -- have special celebrations to honor mothers. Here are some facts you may not know about Mother's Day here in America.

In the early 1850s, Anna Reese Jarvis, an Appalachian homemaker who never married, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community. She believed this cause would be best advocated by mothers and called the event "Mothers' Work Day."

In 1905, after Jarvis' death, her daughter, also named Anna, began a campaign to memorialize her mother's work. She lobbied prominent businessmen and politicians, including Presidents William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, to support her campaign to create a special day to honor mothers. She hoped Mother's Day would increase respect for parents and strengthen family bonds.

The first Mother's Day observances were in church services honoring the elder Jarvis in Grafton, W. Va., and Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. By 1911, every state held its own Mother's Day observance. Then, on May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Mother's Day as a national holiday.

As Mother's Day became more commercialized, however, Jarvis became upset, and even was arrested for disturbing the peace at a convention for a war mother's group. Before her death in 1948, Jarvis is said to have confessed that she regretted ever starting the Mother's Day tradition.

Most Americans are glad she did, however, and they have been thinking of creative and fun ways to honor their mothers ever since.

Whitman's Chocolates, founded in Philadelphia in 1842, became one of the first confectioners to provide Mother's Day assortments. Its stores were crowded each year with people looking for just the right Mother's Day assortment. Many chose its famous Whitman's Sampler of fine chocolates.

Today, the Whitman's Sampler remains one of the most popular gifts given on Mother's Day, with one sold every 1.5 seconds in the United States. - NU

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Mastering workplace stress management

For an average employee, the demands of a job is stressful enough. But, for an employee with an anxiety disorder, meeting his work's demands is twice, even thrice as stressful. Getting treatment and undergoing medication for anxiety can be quite expensive so quitting one's job is not an option. There are ways to manage workplace stress but first, you have to know its common causes.

Common cause of workplace stress

* Excessive workload

* Unreasonable hours

* Tedious tasks

* Low pay

* Inconducive work environments

* Inefficient organizational practices

* Poor interpersonal relationships with colleagues

* Sudden workplace changes

Workplace stress management tips

Once you have determined the cause of your stress in the workplace, you can use any or all of the following tips in order to manage it:

1. Review your job description and responsibilities.

As much as taking more responsibility at work can boost your career, now is not the time to do so. You can take on more tasks once you are done with your treatment and can take on added responsibility. For now, review your job description and pertinent tasks. If there are tasks that are not included in your responsibilities, inform your supervisor and explain that in your current condition, it will be best if the extra work will be delegated to other people.

2. Keep your workstation as organized as possible.

Although you cannot control the entire office environment, you can try and keep your station as clean and organized as possible. Clutter can cause you to lose concentration while drab office colors can make you distressed. Use colorful space organizers like pen holders, in-trays, and folders to keep your station clean and cheery.

3. Participate in office events.

Participating in office events like corporate parties or casual lunches with your colleagues can boost your working relationship with them. A kind smile can go a long way in improving your interpersonal relationship with them.

4. Clarify concerns with the management.

Often, employees tend to form their own conclusions about new policies or procedures in the workplace. Unfortunately, these conclusions are often negative. Before joining the bandwagon, clarify your concerns first with your supervisor so you can get a clearer picture of what your employer and the company is trying to accomplish with the new policy or procedure.

5. Be open to workplace changes.

Employees often stress themselves over new procedures or policies. Instead of closing doors on changes, keep an open mind and try to see things differently. Sure, new rules or policies may be difficult to swallow at first but they might be what the company needs to move forward and create opportunities for employees like you.

Aside from these tips, you can also take advantage of Employee Assistance Programs or EAPs offered by your company like stress management programs or counseling services. you can ask your supervisor about this or the Human Resources Department. By taking an active role in your treatment and minimizing workplace stress, you can do well in your job and still be healthy.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

A night in san francisco

When traveling to most cities of the world, finding discount accommodations when arriving to your destination is always a possibility. Not so in the diverse and complex city of San Francisco. From the hills of Daly City to the plains of Berkeley, the environments and people are so diverse that your vacation could with one dial of the phone be a paradise made in heaven or an inferno designed in, well you know, that other place.

Families making their hotel reservations at the smaller hotels that dot the periphery of San Francisco might be able to land a bargain, but find they may find themselves sharing accommodations with other crawling critters that would make even the toughest among us parents squirm.

I did this once. I came to San Francisco on a budget and thinking to wing my accommodations; I found a phonebook and booked a motel for $59 a night. Well, the minute I saw the hotel along a poorly lit side street I knew we were in trouble. This hotel was something I would expect to see in medieval Europe, not in actuality. But it was late and we succumbed to our basal instincts for sleep and it was ‘just one night.’ But the bed was so grimy we actually slept on the floor, and the occasional voices we heard in the alleys were so hair razing I don’t think sleep was an option for any of us - and we were in their ‘best room!’

The next day I called numerous hotels in San Francisco city proper. You know, where the Trolley Cars roam and the street performers perform. I found a number of places, ranging from the low 100’s and going up to the high 600’s. We got in our car to make our investigation and inspected one hotel after the other, some dark and dank and some bright and classic. We settled on the Grant Plaza Hotel at $180 a night. We had a rollaway brought for my two children and spent the rest of the day recuperating for our previous nightmare.

That evening, we ventured out to walk around the Streets of San Francisco and I must tell you it was scary. There were destitute people lurking at every doorway, down every alley, sleeping above the street vents for warmth. This was a haven for the homeless and I am not sure where the tourist fits in. It was both sad and a frightening, especially since coming from an isolated small town in Minnesota. I passed out quarters to those asking as if I were passing out flyers for a corner store.

We eventually found a Starbuck near Union Square and quickly ducked in. After a family meeting to discuss our situation, we decided to catch a trolley car and make a dash to the famous Fisherman’s Wharf and Ghirardelli’s Square. We scampered out of Starbucks and caught the next trolley. It was a wild ride straight up and straight down a city built on a mountain. We all screamed with joy. We spent an enchanting evening among all the tourist shops, street performers and family attractions that populate Fisherman’s Wharf. We bought a big pound of fudge at a fudge shop and drank coke and champagne until late in the evening.

Our lesson from all this, at least regarding San Francisco hotel reservations, make your hotel reservations in advance. Don’t waste time looking for a hotel room when you get there, the city is just too big. Since writing this, we went to San Diego. I booked all our accommodations off the Internet which featured discount hotel reservations with pictures and prices clearly explained. Welcome to the 21st century.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Explore exotic ports of call in the north and south pacific to choose your cruise

With all of the decisions that you have to make before taking a cruise, you may think that picking a cruise destination is the least of your worries. Four, seven, twenty-nine days on a luxurious cruise ship with nothing to do but while away the hours and absorb the scenery, who cares when and where you port? It’s all bound to be good, right?

Not necessarily. Many popular ports of call are visited by numerous cruise ships belonging to different cruise lines each and every day. These ports are often crowded and so touristy in nature that it is hard to enjoy or even discern the cultural allure that made these ports popular in the first place. For this reason, you should always research the ports of call offered in your cruise package as well as the ship that you book passage on.

Sapphire Princess: Ports of Call North And South Pacific

In this article we will look at just one of Princess Cruise Line’s ships, the Sapphire Princess, which visits numerous ports of call each year. In the summer months, she tours the waters of Alaska bypassing scenic glacier formations and during the rest of the year she can be found touring Mexico, Australia, and the South Pacific. Below is a brief review of two of the most popular cruises offered aboard the Sapphire Princess and just a few of her ports of call.

Hawaii, Tahiti, and the South Pacific

This amazing 29-day cruise begins in Sydney, Australia and takes a leisurely tour of the South Pacific making numerous stops before landing at Los Angeles nearly a full month later. The pricing for this cruise starts at $3,499 for an inside stateroom but is well worth the cost. On day 17 of this cruise, passengers are able to enjoy a full day in Bora Bora, French Polynesia. On day 23, the ship ports at Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bora Bora

Bora Bora’s main attraction is its multi-colored crystal clear lagoon and the many water-based activities that it offers. Some of the most popular activities include shark feeding, snorkeling, and scuba diving. If you need to get away from the ocean for a little while and test your sea legs on dry ground, Bora Bora offers scenic tours to see WWII cannons and breathtaking views of the lagoon from the hills above.

In addition to these attractions, there are numerous fine restaurants and shops to be found in Bora Bora. Unfortunately, transportation is a bit complicated on the island with only one public bus. Bicycles are the recommended mode of transportation for tourists to this area.


Honolulu is the most popular destination in Hawaii and for good reason. No matter what you desire to do, Honolulu can deliver. Its premier beach, Waikiki, is reputedly one of the best beaches in the world. Aside from lounging on the beach, you can also enjoy scuba diving, deep sea fishing, and snorkeling. Land-based attractions include numerous golf courses, the Honolulu Botanical Gardens, the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, the Honolulu Zoo, and the Waikiki Aquarium.

If you’re a history buff, you might want to visit Pearl Harbor while you are in Honolulu. Here you will find the USS Arizona Memorial which is dedicated to those who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor during World War II.

Voyage of the Glaciers, Alaska

This seven-day cruise is quite a deal with pricing starting at $599 for an inside stateroom. Guests are treated to leisurely days filled with scenic glacier cruising as well as several stops as the ship travels from Whittier to Vancouver. On day three of this excursion, the cruise passes through Glacier Bay National Park. On day six, the Sapphire Princess makes port at Ketchikan, Alaska.

Glacier Bay National Park

Some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world can be seen from the rails of a cruise ship on a leisurely trek through the Glacier Bay National Park. For a full day, passengers aboard the Sapphire Princess’s Voyage of the Glacier Cruise can sit spellbound as awe-inspiring images of ice shelves and beautiful glaciers pass slowly by.

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve features 16 tidewater glaciers and 12 icebergs. Here you can also catch a glimpse of the abundant wildlife that calls the glaciers home. Creatures that call this region home include bears, deer, mountain goats, whales, and numerous types of waterfowl.


More than 800,000 cruise passengers make port at Ketchikan, Alaska each year. What they find is a mind-boggling array of activities that makes this back-woods, sparsely-populated wilderness one of the most adventurous ports of call in the world.

While many activities in Ketchikan require more time than an average cruise port will allow, there are several activities that can be done during a short stay. Some of these activities include exploring the historic downtown area; visiting Saxman Totem Park, Totem Bight State Historical Park, or the Totem Heritage Center and Tribal Fish Hatchery to look at totem poles; going hiking in the Tongass National Forest; going kayaking; taking one of the many boat or air tours offered in the area; visiting historical exhibits; or chartering a fishing boat to test your skills against the teeming population of halibut and salmon.

Remember; this is only a glimpse at a couple of ports of call on two of the Sapphire Princess’s cruises. All the major cruise lines will have many different cruise packages and that will make multiple ports of call on each voyage. So be sure to research the cruise thoroughly before you make your final destination decision.

How a regular human can find their niche

The big buzz-phrase at the beginning of 2006 is ‘Niche Marketing’. If you find your niche and market it like crazy, the gurus cry, you can be a zillionaire by March. Great.

So where is this niche, and how will you recognize it when you stumble into it?

Many expensive courses are offered teaching Internet Marketing, and most have some important links missing. How does the average person find their niche, without a background in marketing? As a beginner, you may just want to supplement your current income, and hopefully, eventually, quit your day job. The very average advice offered for hundreds of dollars is ‘find your passion, research on the internet and Clickbank, develop your own product, and there you go. So let’s help you expand this into a sensible plan.

Grab a pen and paper, and try some new ideas. What did you want to be when you grew up? If you really are a fireman or train engineer, you have an excellent niche, with a lot of information and stories to tell. If you aren’t what you planned to be when you were twelve, take it up again now, study your dream occupation, and become an armchair expert.

Do you have a hobby you are passionate about? Not everyone does, and passion means different things to different people. What subject do you love to talk about that no-one else you know will join you in? What are you willing to keep talking about even when no-one else is willing to listen? These favourite subjects of yours show the basis of passion. The internet is the new galaxy here on earth, and there’s bound to be people outside your little sphere who want to hear what you have to say, and might be willing to pay for that opportunity.

Take notes the next time you go to a magazine rack. What are the first three magazines that grab your attention? Each could be your general niche to start with. Look through your book collection at home, and find a common theme that is obvious, or have someone else do that for you.

A niche can be defined as ‘a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it’. Where you see yourself fitting in the best might be your niche.

If the place that suits you best is not the number one hot topic on the internet today, that’s ok. Start with one subject that you feel eager to work with, and build a working knowledge that you can develop into an information project. The practice you gain can be used to make a second niche for yourself, and a second on-line business.

There are many other ways to find your little piece of the net, and I’ve found an extremely valuable resource with three free ebooks and several hours of video that will help you generate more ideas than you will be able to deal with in a lifetime. All you need really is sitting in your head right now, you just need the keys to unlock it.

Kelly Archibald

Who should i invite to a baby shower

It's often a challenge to decide just who to invite to your baby shower. What is the proper etiquette and how do you avoid hurting someone's feelings?

When determining your guest list, it's important to define your target group. Is it your idea to host the traditional women only gathering or will you include children? Today it's becoming increasingly popular to invite couples and/or complete families.

When you decide on the type of shower you are going to be hosting make sure your invitations are precisely worded, such as "women only", "children welcome" and so on based on your decision. If you are planning a specific theme make sure this is included on your invitations as well as any special instructions such as what to bring, how to dress, and directions to the party location. This will save you countless telephone inquiries regarding the specifics of your shower plans.

Always ask your invited guests to RSVP and keep in mind that typically about 20-25% of those confirming will ultimately fail to attend for a variety of reasons.

Baby Showers held at an office, social club or church have a pre-determined guest list of co-workers, club members or fellow church members but make sure that you find out if your shower is the only one being held for the mom to be. If it is, then you may want to extend invitations to her personal friends and family. It may take a bit of discreet probing to find out if there are additional showers planned.

Alternatively, if you are a friend or family member planning the only shower, it's a thoughtful idea to make a call to the prospective mother to be's employer to find out who should be invited from her workplace.

In most cases her husband should be able to supply contact information for her friends and work associates.

Don't forget that if your shower is the sole party planned, you should extend invites to the mom's family as well as her husband's family.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Anna nicole smith accidental overdose

There's just no argument about it. Drug overdose can either be accidental or intentional. It happens when an individual takes more than the usual medically recommended dose. However, some people may be more sensitive to certain medications that their metabolism cannot stand the potency of the drug resulting in adverse effects such as overdose.

It can happen to people of any age. Accidental overdose is most common in very young children (from crawling age to about 5 years) while intentional overdose involves mostly adolescents and adults in order to harm themselves. Those who do it on purpose may be suffering from underlying mental health conditions, as well as emotional problems such as depression and anxiety disorder.

Celebrities are prone to drug overdose due to the stress and pressure their career and lifestyle bring. Take the case of River Phoenix who collapsed and died of a drug overdose on the pavement outside of a rock club during Halloween night in 1993 at age 23. Don Simpson, who was one of Hollywood's most successful producers of the 80's & 90's with hits like Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Flashdance, The Rock, died of a drug overdose Jan 1996. Actor John Belushi of Animal House & The Blues Brothers died of a drug overdose at 33 years old. And just recently, reality t. v. star and heiress Anna Nicole Smith.

She was hotness personified. She did not only grace the cover of Playboy but even bagged that coveted title of “Playmate of the Year” in 1993. The bunny mag made her into an overnight sensation that sent men everywhere to keep asking for more. And that included Paul Marciano, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of one of today's most recognized and influential brand names in the fashion industry, Guess?, who gave Anna her ticket to the glamorous life of modelling, and eventually, showbiz.

Anna Nicole Smith, who was born Vicki Lynn Hogan on November 28, 1967, in Houston, Texas rose to fame and headed in the same direction as the screen goddess legend, Marilyn Monroe. And just like her idol, Anna Nicole experienced celebrity status as well as a life of tribulations. At the age of 17, Anna (then Vicki) married Billy Smith who sired her a son they called Daniel. The relationship was short-lived so Anna began working as a topless dancer in one of the clubs in Houston to be able to raise her son and to pay the bills. She was discovered by a photographer and made her realized that she could use her body to fulfill her dreams.

Unfortunately, after a series of controversies such as marrying a very senior citizen, 80-year old oil tycoon Howard Marshall II, bitter court battles between her secretary, son-in-law, an ex-lover, and a slimming product, Anna Nicole Smith was found unconscious in her Florida hotel room on Feb 8, 2007, and was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital.

The headline reads: “An accidental overdose of prescription drugs killed former reality TV star and Playboy playmate Anna Nicole Smith”. According to Seminole tribal police Chief Charlie Tiger, the case was already closed. “We are convinced, based on extensive review of the evidence, that this case is an accidental overdose with no other criminal element present," said Tiger at a news conference announcing Smith's autopsy results.

Howard K. Stern, Smith's lawyer and rumored lover, sent a statement calling the death a tragic accident. Read by his own attorney, Lilly Ann Sanchez, "At no time was there any indication of wrongdoing, whatsoever," she said. "It's horrible, it's painful, it's tragic, but it is an accident." Media reports implicating Stern in the overdose accident of Smith was considered “outrageous speculations” by Sanchez. She said that Stern did not feel vindicated for he lost the most important person in his life, emphasizing that he loved Anna completely.

Several prescription medications were discovered inside the hotel room and were all under the name of both Smith and Stern. Joshua Perper, Broward County medical examiner, said prescription and over-the-counter drugs were found in Smith's system, including three antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs. Toxicology testing also revealed the presence of human growth hormone and chloral hydrate, a depressant to induce sleep.

According to Perper, the drugs in Smith's system acted on the respiration and circulation systems and basically shut them down. Contrary to speculations, he did not believe that Smith tried to kill herself due to the large amount of chloral hydrate remaining in the bottle, and the normal levels of the other medications in her system.

Autopsy results showed evidence that Smith had an abscess in her left buttock that had been perforated by a needle, probably caused by the injections of either the growth hormone or vitamin B-12. Such perforation allowed the bacteria entry into Smith's blood causing a high fever in the days prior to her death. She was being treated with Tamiflu and Cipro, an antiviral medication and the other an antibiotic. Perper theorized that this would have not happened had Anna Nicole sought treatment for the fever and infection at a hospital where she wouldn't have had the opportunity to take the chloral hydrate.

The remains of Anna Nicole Smith was buried in the Bahamas last March 2, 2007 next to the grave of her son, Daniel, who died in September, shortly after the birth of her daughter, Dannielynn. It is interesting to know that his son's death was also ruled as an accidental overdose of three antidepressant medications: methadone, Lexapro and Zoloft.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Making your finances more manageable through home refinancing

Using home refinancing can be a very effective way to consolidate your debts and manage your finances better. Your home equity can be used to get you a better deal in terms of interest rates and payment schemes.

Buying a home is surely the best investment you have for yourself and will secure you a good future. If you have already secured yourself a mortgage for your house, you would surely have heard of the concept of home refinancing. It is the process by which you change your existing loan, whether through the same lender or through a different one, to get better interest rates or payment schedules.

Note that even just a slight change in your interest rates or repayment scheme can immensely affect the overall cost you pay for your home in the long run. It is for this reason that many home owners find it better to refinance. With home refinancing, you too can avoid high variable rates and instead enjoy the various financial benefits of a fixed rate, lower interest loans. The good news is that there is a wide variety of refinancing options to choose from, and you can potentially get better deals as long as you regularly review your mortgage terms and thin about opportunities to refinance in order for you to get the best value from your money.

Before thinking about good home refinancing deals, you have to consider first just how much debt you have and how much interest rate you need to pay. If you have consumer loans and credit card bills, you may have rates that exceed more than 20%, while your home loan is most likely a lot lower. Aside from that, you probably enjoy tax deductibility with mortgage, while those in other debts are not. If you continue this line of thought, it is easy to see how consolidating your debts through home refinancing can be an excellent idea. Through refinancing, you can easily eliminate all your other debts and concentrate on a much lower and steadier loan and pay solely for it each month.

While there is not much you can do about the debts you have incurred, there is definitely a way for you to manage your finances well despite your situation. The best you can opt for is to reduce your debt by avoiding all the additional burden caused either directly or indirectly by having to pay off the debts. That said, consolidating all your payables into a single one through home refinancing is an effective way to do so. This does not only save you of penalties and interest due to delayed payments, but it can also save you the time and the worry of having to pay a number of bills at their designated deadlines.

If done the right way at the right time, home refinancing can help you save money, which you can in turn use to slowly pay for your principal loan to eventually give you shorter payment schemes. You can do yourself a big favor by getting your own financial advisor if you want to refinance anytime soon.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Pacifier or not

Before I had children, I swore my child would never use a pacifier. To me, they were simply signs that a child was just not very well taken care of. You know, Mom doesn’t want to pick the baby up and comfort her, so she just puts a pacifier in her mouth to quiet her. But, I’m older now, and I have three children, so I’m wiser too. There definitely are times when a pacifier is a huge help – not just a crutch for Mom.

As it turns out, some newborns just have a greater urge to suckle than others. If your baby is like this, a pacifier is almost a necessity. For these babies, the suckling they get from nursing or taking a bottle is simply not enough. My daughter was one of these babies, and unless she fell asleep while nursing or taking a bottle, that pacifier was critical to getting her to sleep.

Other children simply don’t need this extra suckling, and, for these children, a pacifier is usually not necessary. Occasionally sucking their thumb or fist is satisfying enough for them. Watch your child in those first few days, and make the decision based on your baby’s behavior. One caution, however; if your baby is nursing, you should avoid the pacifier until your baby’s nursing habits are fully established. A pacifier can cause nipple confusion in babies who are struggling with breastfeeding.

The problem with pacifiers isn’t really the use of the pacifier itself, rather overuse, or use of it long past a normal age. Pacifier use can cause serious dental issues, and should be used only for the required amount of time. Plus, the older your child gets, the harder it will be for you to keep it clean. Also, if your child relies on a pacifier to fall asleep, you will be required to retrieve it for him multiple times during the night, when he is unable to locate it on his own.

If your child uses a pacifier, look for the natural opportunities that will arise for giving it up, and seize them. For example, my daughter caught a bad cold at about six months old, and wouldn’t use the pacifier; because she was so congested she could hardly breathe. As soon as she started to refuse it because of the cold, I put it out of sight. Once her cold was over, she had forgotten about it. My middle son held on to his a little longer, but at about thirteen months, I noticed that just before he fell asleep at night, he would toss the pacifier out of his crib. So, one night, I picked it up off the floor, and put it away. Same ending – he never noticed it was gone.

If your child needs it, a pacifier can be a great comforter, and can make life easier for you, too. Just be sure not to let it go on for too long, or you and the baby can become dependent!

Lighting buying guide

This guide aims to inform you on different aspects of lighting to help you buy the right combination of lighting for your home. Each one of us has individualistic taste that reflects our lifestyle and preferences. When it comes to lighting, few of us pay attention to details, whereas a thoughtful approach can help you bring to life your very own home in ways that add drama and ambience to any space just the way you imagine….right out of the home dйcor books.

Start with a realistic list of the lighting fixtures you need. With lighting, you need to look beyond the trend, for you don’t want to buy a fashionable lamp only to change it one year down the line. Work on the list with emphasis on,

- Interior lighting: Living room, Bathroom, Study room, Bed rooms

- Outdoor Lighting: Home & Garden Lighting

Before you decide how much you want to spend. A good lighting plan will,

• Highlight and illuminate

• Improve on poorly lit areas

• Bestow a room with desired ambiance

• Personalize and enhance safety and security

Once you have rescheduled your list and prioritized areas, you would exactly know where you stand. Maybe you are looking for complete lighting make-over or installations. Or perhaps, you would like to do it in stages, starting with the high-priority list. Here are some of the known lighting solutions, segregated for your convenience,

Ceiling : Ceiling lights and lights above can add a great deal of charm and elegance to a room.

Ceiling fixtures: Ceiling fixtures are not just decorative; they can be used to highlight important areas in the kitchen, bathroom to the ceiling. You can find ceiling light fixtures in different shapes and sizes to fill the platter.

Pendant lights: Unlike fixed ceiling lights, pendants are hanging lights suspended from the ceiling. You can create the most interesting impressions with pendant lighting.

Low lights: Fixed directly in the ceiling, recessed lights can be used as spotlights in all rooms.

Track lighting: Track lighting consists of a light or series of lights mounted to a metal track. Just move, swivel, or rotate a light to suit your immediate lighting needs.

Wall Lamps : For highlights and accents, wall lights come in handy to add softer shades to a room dйcor. They can be practically used anywhere, from living area to bathroom. Indirect lighting decorates a wall space, and when used intelligently can offer the most intriguing combination of art and dйcor themes. When used in bathroom, you can highlight the areas you wish, like above a mirror, and opt for a shade to minimize the glare. There are great modern and combination wall lights available for a variety of interior settings like,

Wall-mounted fixtures: Wall sconces can be fixed to walls. Used to highlight paintings, art work and other dйcor areas, they illuminate the surface of a wall and add a touch of sophistication..

Swing-arm lamps: For study and work, swing-arm lamps offer utility and function.

Table Lamps : Table lamps, desk lamps or task lamps serve well in the study room. Used to highlight specific work areas, you get a wide variety right from architects lamps, task light, bankers lamp, dimmable and adjustable desk lamps that can swivel and swing and can be used for a variety of functions.

Floor Lamps : While buying floor lamps, you may want to ask a few questions,

1)What is the purpose of the lamp (aesthetic, functional or highlighting

specific areas or a combination of all)

2)What is the styling theme at your home? Does the lamp compliment the theme?

3)What is the ideal material: Glass, steel, paper, wood, bamboo, bronze?

Types of Floor Lamps :

a) Console Floor Lamp: It is a classic design with a single pole and a glass or cloth globe.

b) Tree lamp: Used to highlight different areas, a tree floor lamp has a central pole and have three or more branches.

c) Arc Lamps: Aesthetic and modern, it can just stand as a statement or be used to highlight specific areas .

d) Torchiere/Torch Lamps: Designed to highlight and focus on light upwards, this light offers a great ambience.

Outdoor Lamps : Outdoor lighting is equally crucial to highlight important zones for safety and security as well as to provide right amount of illumination for outdoor life. Here are some important types of lights,

Path lamps: important to highlight walking path that leads to home, the lighting is used to line up a path.

Light lamps: Useful in patio and outdoor areas, you can hang them on the wall next to the front door, or in an open entrance, or outside the house on walls that lead to the garden.

Floodlights: You can highlight any favorite area like sitting area in the garden, or a great looking plant for outdoor theme.

String lights: String lights are festive lights but can bring a new dimension even if you light them on a tree or a path during outdoor parties or to highlight trees and shrubs.

Lanterns: Offering an interesting contrast to modern dйcor, you can light up lanterns to highlight the yard, lobby, backyard, entryway, or driveway.

Friday, 12 February 2016

My biggest secrets for work from home business success

If you’re looking to start a work from home business, or are already self-employed, you may know that success doesn’t always come easy. Many work from home entrepreneurs find that it’s more difficult to discipline yourself with the many distractions that exist in your home surroundings. In this article, I’m going to provide you with a few of my secrets for successfully running a home based business. Hopefully by the time you’ve finished this article, you’ll have some great ideas on how you can stay motivated while running your business from the house.

The first thing that I learned many years ago when I started to work from home, was that television isn’t necessarily my best friend. For me, the TV is a huge distraction and when I was first starting out, I would waste hours each day watching television shows when I honestly should have been building my business.

So what did I do? I ran a little experiment...

For one year, I unsubscribed from cable TV. Oh, the horror! But guess what happened? My income in that one year period of time was up 112% over the previous year. I was making more than twice what I earned when I was a cable TV subscriber! So, as you probably can guess... I still don’t have cable.

Another thing that really boosted my income was having a space in the house that was dedicated to my business. Having a “real” home office really allowed me to improve my focus and get more done during the day. Highly recommended, and you can also deduct that space at tax time.

Hopefully these few ideas will prove to be beneficial to you and your home based business success. As a self-employed entrepreneur, you’re in complete control of your own destiny and it’s up to you to discipline yourself and make the most of the time you have to devote to your business.

Website building - do you need to master web programming

If you are going to do business online, you need to have your own website. Although it is possible to make money online without it, your website is your identity in the world of Internet. Moreover, having your own site may open up many possibilities that you could never have imagined.

Nowadays, getting a website onto the internet can be accomplished very easily. Many hosting companies now provide website builders which are very useful to help you build your own website. Some even provide a collection of templates that you can customize with your own links and content. However, you still need to learn a little bit of HTML so that you will not depend on someone else in case you want to edit your works. This skill is very important to make your site stands out from the crowd.

It is nice to know a little bit of web programming language if you want to build a dynamic website. However, keep in mind that it is usually the concept or the idea and not a programming tool or language which can make you money on the internet. Unless you plan to become a professional web developer, there is really no need to learn coding. Just leave the development up to other experienced developers or use a content management system which can be installed for free.

Buidling a website with CMS means you do not even need to touch any HTML editor. There are some content managements systems which can be configured easily. Mambo, for instance, is already supported by many ready-to-install modules and templates. But you still need to become familiar with the script that you will use to run your site, both on the front end and in the admin area. Spend some time before launching your website to get to know how to make some important configurations properly.

Today, many web hosting providers have already provided a wide range of facilities in their hosting plans. Fantastico, for instance, is a feature that enables you to install various scripts very easily. But if you want to use a script which is not currently provided by your hosting company, you might have to follow the installation procedure provided.

Commercial scripts usually come with installation instructions, that can be a as simple as uploading the files to your server, setting the permissions for each file and folder, and finally opening the config file and setting the options to dictate how the script functions. Installing the script yourself is actually a handy way for getting to know how it works. In the future, in case the script needs to be updated with the latest version, you do not have to hire anyone to do it.

Having the very basic knowledge on the functions and the tags of HTML is actually enough for building a website. But depending on what you want to build, you might need to know how to setup a database on your server. With phpMyAdmin this can be accomplished easily. Additionally, commercial scripts usually have an ability to create required tables automatically. That means at the very minimum you only need to find out how to create a database and an authorized user.

How about other technical aspects such as configuring. htaccess file?.htaccess is a file that can be used to perform various tasks. One of the most popular uses of. htaccess is to make a website search engine friendly. But, although important, most of the time you will never touch the file. Many scripts today can create this file for you automatically so all you need to do is to follow the installation procedure as outlined in the manual.

In summary, building a website does not require you to be very knowledgeable about web programming and other complicated technical knowledge . However, at the very least, you need to be able to create HTML code and to utilize some features of your hosting service. Reliable hosting services will provide you with some useful facilities that you can use to create various types of websites easily.

It is better to work with the right mortgage broker

When it comes with buying or investing a property in Florida real estate, there are very important factors that you have to look up to obtain success. Definitely, you want to end up with success and not with frustration and embarrassment.

Yes, there are factors that you need to consider and follow in order to make sure you will end up happy with your real estate experience and not as unhappy and frustrated as others who do not take the right steps.

The common mistake of people out there who planned to purchase or invest a property is that they go out in Florida real estate market and search for property or home; they use their time, effort and money without the assurance that they will be having an approved mortgage, so they end up embarrassed and frustrated.

Of course, you do not want to have such situation right, so you have to do the step right in order to gain the success you want. It is advisable to settle your finances. Indeed, you know that investing or buying a property or home involves large amount of money, so you have to apply for a mortgage.

In buying a mortgage, it is better to work with mortgage broker, but not just a mortgage broker it should be the right mortgage broker. You have to work with a mortgage broker that has the proper expertise and experiences regarding assisting in having the best loan that you need. The right mortgage broker will not make you focus with a specific option but will give you lots of option to choose from, since a mortgage broker works will different lenders. The right mortgage broker should have time for you, he/she will assist you all the way until you will have the best loan that you need in purchasing a property or home in Florida real estate. The right mortgage broker will make you understand each option; he/she will take time in explaining each option to you until you could understand each.

But how can you find the right mortgage broker you need? You can ask for recommendation from family and friends, they might have worked with a mortgage broker that gave them satisfaction and comfort. If in case they can’t give you any recommendation, you can at least contact few investors and ask for recommendation, but do not focus with one mortgage broker. It is wiser to contact few mortgage brokers and take time to interview them, in order to know their expertise and experiences, so you can come up with the right one for you.

Allocating time and effort is very important, this can help you out o have smooth process, it is better not to rush things out, since this involves large sum of money, you need to be careful and sure with every move you make.

Working with the right mortgage broker is advantageous since he/she will make sure that you will have the bets loan you need. So in having the best loan, you can have the home or property you want and need in Florida real estate.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Revolutionised banking

In a couple of years the internet has revolutionised the manner the most of us do our banking. The majority of banks and building societies offer their internet services 24 hours per day, meaning that even those leading the most unconventional of lifestyles can access banking at their convenience. Wherever you live in the UK, loans, current accounts, and mortgages can all be bought and administered online that makes life so much easier for any person.

Ever since the advent of the internet, businesses have been looking for ways to use it in innovative, safe and secure ways eager that it will offer more opportunities to drive business and increase profits. That includes banks which have often been at the forefront of internet technology in the search for a cheaper and much more efficient way of undertaking business with their customers. Even though they are unlikely to risk outrage by completely eliminating their branch networks, many high street banks would prefer the majority of clientele to transact their business online. That is because it is by far the most profitable channel for the financial institutions.

And surely from a customer's point of view there are many good reasons to do your banking online. It's enormously convenient plus you don't have to go cap in hand to the local bank manager if you want to arrange any form of borrowing, and risk the embarrassment of being turned down. Now all that is required is a click of the mouse, whether it's to submit an application for a short-term extension to an overdraft, or to apply for one of the many longer-term personal loans, all are available on the internet plus it is a great way to open online savings accounts and have access to your account any time of the day.

Indeed, the internet is quickly becoming the number one place for applying for personal loans, and more people are frequently doing their banking online with payments association APACS reporting a 174% rise in numbers over the past year. Their figures show the greatest rise in usage coming from the over-55s with a 350% rise over last year. That ties in to a drop in reported online fraud as users become savvy to the most obvious phishing scams, and banks improve their education of users and tighten their own online security.

Online comparison sites have also become extremely popular with the internet community. They have made momentous in-roads into the financial markets and potential customers can go there to compare loans, credit cards or even mortgages all on one website, without the need to do any of the hard work themselves. With everything required to cover all banking needs online, it is easy to see why it has become so popular and will grow even bigger within the next couple of years.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Now is the time to spruce up that suv - save cash

It may be time to spruce up your truck, car or SUV. Perhaps the bird droppings this summer and fall have been hard on your SUV’s finish. Perhaps you wish to you’re your car. Or perhaps you are tired of the colour and just want a change of scenery. It is true that automotive vehicle painting can be quite expensive if you want to have a really great and proper paint job done. Sure there are third party get it out the door shops but is that what you want. It would be as if your new Toyota was badly damaged and the insurance company instead of writing it off wanted to patch it back together. Get the job done properly. Of course, you can find auto body shops that offer really cheap paint jobs. Your car is the image that you portray. Auto painting is one of the situations where you truly get what you pay for. Get your car painted properly. However there are preparatory steps that you can make which will reduce the cash outlay out of your pocket substantially.

A cheap paint job will look cheap. The shop will spend little time properly masking the areas that shouldn't have paint applied. You've probably seen a car where the trunk lock was painted; the formerly shiny chrome door handles were painted over; that is what you get when you elect to get really cheap auto painting.

However, you can get a great paint job and save money by doing some of the work yourself. About 86 % of the cost of auto painting is the preparation before paint is applied to the car. This offers you an opportunity to save money on your paint job if you don't mind doing some hard work.

When you visit the auto paint shop, ask what you can do to prepare the car and reduce the price of the painting. Many shops will reduce the price if you remove chrome parts in advance. They may reduce the price if you clean the surface and remove old silicone-based wax and grease. To do this, you purchase a good quality wax and grease remover and find a well-ventilated place to work. Don't perform this task in a closed garage because the fumes can be hazardous and disabling.

You can also remove old wax and grease using scrubbing pads or an abrasive household cleaner like Comet. Use a bit of caution with these procedures because it is really easy to scratch chrome or even glass.

Another step you may be able to perform yourself is the feathering of scratches and paint chips. These areas must be smoothed and evened out using sand paper. The initial sanding can be performed with 80 or 100 grit and change to finer and finer sand paper until the final sanding touches are done with 220 grit.

Ask the body shop if you can do some of the larger masking yourself. Masking is simply the process of placing painter's tape over areas that should not be painted. Some body shops will not guarantee the quality of paint if you mask the car or any part of it yourself, so be sure this will actually save you money without infringing on the paint guarantee.

Remember laddie it never hurts to ask. Your car is the best representation of ourselves and our self image that we carry around and present to others. Make sure that it is proper.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Bird watching binoculars critical bird watching equipment

Avid bird watching enthusiasts often look like pack mules hiking to a gold rush in the west. Bird watching binoculars are one of the critical pieces of equipment they carry.


There are a lot of issues when it comes to choosing binoculars for bird watching. Optics and personal preference seem to be the foremost, but here is a list of issues you should consider.


Bashability isn’t really a word in the English language, but it certainly applies to bird watching. The bashability of binoculars refers to how tough they are. For instance, if you drop them on the driveway while loading the car, will they hold up? What if you drop them off a small cliff? I, err…”a friend” once did this on the cliffs above Torrey Pines beach in San Diego. More than a few people have been surprised to learn that binoculars go out of whack when bashed. Now, I realize you would never drop them or subject them to anything but the finest treatment, but just check them for me.


I like wine. I drink wine. Unless I am standing at the cash register, I can’t really tell the difference between a $10 bottle of wine and one selling for $100. Bird watching binoculars seem to run along the same lines.

You can buy bird watching binoculars for as much as $1,000. Heck, Victoria’s Secret or Neiman Marcus probably have diamond encrusted ones for $100,000. Do you need to spend this money? No. My personal experience has revealed binoculars in the $200 to $400 range perform well and I’ve never missed a sighting because of their quality.

Obviously, you can spend whatever you wish, but keep in mind you don’t have to go overboard. Plus, binoculars without diamonds tend to still be on the beach once you make it down from the cliff.


This may sound obvious, but you need to buy binoculars that are comfortable. Ideally, you are going to lug these babies around for 10 or 20 years. Make sure they “fit” your face and spacing of your eyes. Also, make sure they don’t weigh too much. After a few hours of birding, this can become an issue.

If you’re going to be a birder, you’re going to need binoculars. Like wine, you can go overboard on them, but don’t need to.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Bluehost and fantastico

BlueHost and Fantastico go so well together that they lend themselves to all sorts of timeless comparisons: Burns and Allen, Astaire and Rogers, Peanut Butter and Jelly or, more relevantly, MySQL and PHP. BlueHost is the web host, Fantastico is the feature; together, they can help you make your website do all sorts of incredible things.

Fantastico (full name: Fantastico DeLuxe) is the leading auto-installer for servers using the cPanel control panel. Blue Host uses the cPanel control panel and therefore BlueHost servers support the Fantastico auto-installer. With Fantastico, you can install scripts onto your Blue Host website even if you’re a total novice -- no setting up of a MySQL database necessary, and no downloading files or changing permissions.

By logging in to your Bluehost cPanel and clicking on the big blue smiley-face Fantastico icon (no kidding), you will be able to instantly install any number of useful scripts onto your website by simply clicking on the script, and then clicking Install.

With Fantastico, you can install multiple instances of scripts in add-on domains, sub-domains, and top-level directories of your BlueHost-hosted website.

When logged in to your Blue Host cPanel, with the Fantastico window opened you can also learn in an instant whenever an update has been released for a script you have installed onto your website.

What do we mean by scripts? Scripts enable you to add functionality, versatility, and interactivity to your Bluehost-hosted websites, right down to your Customer Support Services. Some of the most common and popular Fantastico scripts include:

- Blogs (b2evolution, Nucleus, PMachine Free, WordPress)
- Customer Support (Crafty Syntax Live Help, Help Center Live, osTicket, PHP Support Tickets, Support Logic Helpdesk, Support Services Manager)
- Discussion boards (phpBB2, SMF)
- eCommerce (CubeCart, OS Commerce, Zen Cart)
- FAQs (FAQMasterFlex)
- Image Galleries (4Images Gallery, Coppermine Photo Gallery, Gallery 2.0)
- Mailing Lists (PHPlist)
- Portals/CMA (Drupal, Geeklog, Joomla, Mambo Open Source, PHP-Nuke, phpWCMS, phpWebSite, Post-Nuke, Siteframe, Typo3, Xoops)
- Project Management (dotProject, PHProjekt)
- Site Builders (Templates Express)
- Surveys/Polls (Advanced Poll, phpESP, PHPSurveyor), Wiki (PhpWiki, TikiWiki)
- Miscellaneous (Dew-NewPHPLinks, Moodle, Noah’s Classifieds, Open-Realty, PhpAdsNew, PHPauction, phpCOIN, phpFormGenerator, WebCalendar)

It is important to keep in mind that while BlueHost supports Fantastico, and even has a sizable section on Fantastico in the Bluehost knowledgebase, Blue Host does not offer support for the individual scripts available using Fantastico. Therefore, once you install the scripts onto your Bluehost account, you should make note of the official website associated with each script you’re using so you can refer to it for specific script-related questions, issues, and tips.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Maintain your brain - strategies to help prevent alzheimer s disease

It's almost become a joke. Forget the word you wanted to use and joke 'Must be early Alzheimer's.' Lose track of where you left your keys? "Doh! Guess I'm getting Alzheimer's." Alzheimer's Disease is no joking matter, though, and we know it even under the casual, joking jabs at our own memory problems. I suspect that more than one of us, when those occasional lapses of memory happen, wonder if we really ARE starting to lose our memories to one of the most baffling and devastating diseases we know.

According to the Center for Disease Control statistics, 20% of adults who are in nursing homes have a primary diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease - over 214,000 people. For many of us who are approaching the far side of middle age, that's a frightening statistic. Those jokes have the air of gallows humor. There is good news on the Alzheimer's front. Research into risk factors and predisposition have turned up some interesting correlations between general health, social well-being and Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's Association has some suggestions that may help lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease, and even slow its progression among those who have already started showing symptoms.

  • -- Eat your fruits and veggies.
    Mother always told you to eat all your veggies, and this is one more good reason. In one study of over 1,800 elderly men and women, researchers found that those who drank fruit or vegetable juice at least three times a week had a 75% less risk of developing Alzheimer's than those who drank less than one glass per week. Why?

    The answer probably lies in the effects of antioxidants. Fruit juices - especially berry juices - are among the highest sources of antioxidants around. Dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, berries and citrus juices are all up there as excellent sources of antioxidant goodness. Get out the juicer and drink up!

  • -- Eat a healthy, balanced diet - and don't forget your fats.
    A healthy diet is basic to a healthy brain. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits should be your major source of calories, but doctors are starting to take a closer look at fats again. One source of fat that appears to be vital to rebuilding and maintaining brain cells is fish. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in high concentrations in cold-water fish like tuna and salmon, as well as in shellfish, are an important ingredient in building neural pathways that function properly. Nutritionists suggest including a source of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet at least three times a week. Tuna casserole, anyone?

  • -- Get social!
    In a study of over 2,500 men, those who had the least contact with friends and family were nearly 3 times as likely to develop dementia as those who had more active social lives. Social activity and maintaining family and social ties seem to stimulate the brain cells and keep them from atrophying. When's the last time you had coffee with your sister, hm?

  • -- Exercise your brain.
    Recent studies strongly suggest that elderly people - including those with Alzheimer's Disease, can improve their memories with practice. Researcher suggest that activities like crossword puzzles, memory games and challenging mental activities could help the brain create new neural pathways as old brain cells die off. Get out the word-search books and have some mental fun!

  • -- Stay physically active.
    In one study of almost 500 adult children of parents with Alzheimer's Disease, researchers found that those who exercised regularly scored better on memory and problem solving tasks than those who were sedentary. It may be that exercise, which promotes healthy circulation and gets the blood flowing through your entire body, helps nourish the brain by getting more nutrients to it on a regular basis. Take a walk or take up swimming - or join a fitness group to combine social AND physical activities in one.

The bottom line? Doctors and researchers aren't sure what causes it, so there's no surefire way to prevent Alzheimer's Disease from developing. They do know that people who share certain traits are much less likely to develop the symptoms though. Stay fit, get active, get out with your friends often and do what you can to enjoy your life. As a prescription for preventing Alzheimer's disease, it sounds like a great way to live!

What will be hot in the summer of 2007

Summer is almost here! Is your hairstyle ready? Summer is the time to showcase more skin, don a dark tan, switch up the wardrobe, and change the mane to be in style for the season.

Most of us will cringe to think of how difficult it will be to keep our hair looking great during the warmer season. The sun drying out the hair, chlorine from pools being less than friendly, and let’s not forget about the humidity creating frizz!

For those of us who dare to accesssorize, there is a summer hair solution. Investing in a wondrous looking wig for summer is a hot idea! Why not? They look great, are easy to manage, and present the opportunity to change your style in minutes.

Style gurus will tell you that the only thing better than having a spectacular hairstyle is to have multiple spectacular hairstyles. Purchasing wigs will grant you the chance to keep your fans guessing and give you the freedom to dare to be different. Men, I am not just addressing the ladies!

So, what is “the look” for the upcoming season? There are several to choose from. This summer will feature a big comeback of curls, and blonde will be the preferred color. It seems that this year will feature styles that are simpler and less showy; too much fuss was last year, but this year will be different.

The buzz word will be ‘voluminous.’ Coming from the stars, movies, and fashion shows, it seems that volume will be in this season. The mavens are saying the thick, full look is definitely sought after.

‘Colourfusion’ (a blend of colors) will also be part of the lexicon of style. Colors are projected to be softer, free of large streaks and strong contrasts. The combination of colors will be those of similar nuances that softly blend in together. Choosing hair clip-ons or extensions would be the perfect way to engage in ‘colourfusion.’

Less will mean more, and simple will mean bold this summer. Hair style and color creates a platform for expressing oneself. Whether one will choose to follow the trends or not will be their own choice, but the message the professionals are sending refers to expression. They encourage everyone to make their own impression upon the world through the means of their individual style.

Owning one or more wigs will enable you to make several impressions upon the world. Do you think the world is ready for you? There is only one way to find out!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Entertain the kids for free good weather

As a parent I have found that, not only is free entertainment helpful financially but it also benefits the kids. I have friends whose kids are not satisfied unless they are “being entertained” usually at one of those hideously expensive theme parks where you have to pay to get in and then spend a fortune on treats and eats. However, free entertainment stimulates their minds more and tires them out if they enjoy it. If they are simply distracted by rides and toys they switch off and then lack enough imagination to entertain themselves if you need them to for a time.

The Woodland Walk Activity is best done either in the Autumn or in the Spring but can be done at any time. You will need a couple of plastic bags and a picnic. This activity is great for getting your child to take an active interest in nature.

Find a good woodland walk near you that you can either drive to or catch the bus. It doesn’t necessarily need to be woodland, a park will do if there are enough different trees and flowers. Start your walk and see how many different things you can find. If you’re doing this in the spring time you might want to take some kitchen roll with you to keep flowers in but make sure you don’t pick too many. One of each will be fine and if there’s not enough then leave them alone.

When we’ve done this in the past we have brought home bags full of moss from the trees, different twigs, berries and nuts, various leaves and flowers, small stones and feathers. Whatever you can find you can collect. Let your child get interested in their surroundings and really look to see something new.

A picnic is great if it’s warm enough and it breaks the walk up a bit, although my daughter hardly even noticed she was walking so far. It also gives you a chance to see what you can hear around you.

When you get home get a large piece of paper (we use the back of a roll of wallpaper) and some glue and see what scenes you can make from what you have collected. Younger children will enjoy sticking things on randomly and maybe doing a bit of colouring around it as well. Older children could try and make a picture out of the things they have in the bag. Use your imagination. It’s great fun and can use an entire day if you want it to.

If your child is older/more enthusiastic about their surroundings then why not see if you can name the plants/birds, either while you’re out or when you get back. It can be as much of a learning experience as you want it to be but you can be sure that they’ll enjoy doing it. My children love it.

Friday, 5 February 2016

A disney cruise the perfect compromise

Many parents of small children find that their idea of a dream holiday differs somewhat from that of the children. For kids from tiny babies up to teenagers, the world of Disney holds an appeal that is universal. While this is great for the kids, and the parents would have a great time too, many adults would prefer to go on a relaxing cruise vacation. The luxury and opulence of this lifestyle appeals to many but when sacrifices are to be made, it is the parents who usually end up making them.

Disney, being the clever company that they are, have managed to provide both parents and children with their holiday of their dreams, combining the magical world of Disney characters with a cruise holiday. These Disney cruises offer families the best of both worlds and ensure that all of the members of the family have a holiday never to forget.

The Disney Cruises offer breaks from 3 to 7 nights in duration. These include a variety of off-shore and on-shore options and allow you to choose the cruise which is truly right for your family. The shorter 3 or 4 night cruises take in the Bahamas and call into port at Nassau and Disney’s own private island, Castaway Cay. The longer cruises of 7 nights offer you the choice of eastern or Western Caribbean seas and islands but whichever you choose you can be confident that your views will be breathtaking and that you are almost certain to experience the beautiful sunshine that this part of the world is famous for.

In between the island exploring that these cruises offer you, you will be aboard a truly spectacular cruise liner. There is no need to worry about what you will do to occupy your time when sailing as there is a whole host of activities available for all the family. Activity groups are provided for children through to teenagers, and these groups are divided into ages so that you can be sure the activities on offer will stimulate and entertain your child, whatever their age. Disney cruises even offer parents their own club which is just for adults, allowing them to spend some quality time away from the children whilst remaining confident in the knowledge that they are being cared for by fully qualified staff. Activities available just for the adults include a spa and salon, nightclub and adult-only restaurant.

Family time is also catered for onboard the cruise liner. Live entertainment is provided daily, beginning with a Welcome Aboard show and ending your cruise with a Magical Farewell. In between you can be sure to be introduced to all of your favorite Disney characters and songs in shows which live up to and exceed the reputation Disney has for superb live entertainment.

The only problem you will have when it comes to food is deciding which restaurant to eat in. Catering for all tastes and palates, the cruises offer an exciting variety of menus and world cuisine. This gives everyone a real opportunity to try something new and the exceptional chefs on board will ensure that it is all prepared to the highest standard. Only the finest ingredients are selected for every dish, as you would expect from Disney.

With so much to see and do on a Disney cruise, you will have very little time to spend in your room and when you return there you will want to fall straight to sleep so that you can be up and ready for your adventure the next day. However, you can rest assured that the same attention to detail is found in the rooms as it is everywhere else on the cruise. When booking, you can select the type of room you require and you can be certain that it will exceed your expectations.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Affiliates should set realistic goals

When starting out as an affiliate promoting someone elses product or website it is normal to swing for the fence. However, this can eventually end in failure. Setting realistic sales and income goals can actually motivate and ensure longevity. For example everyone wants to make a million dollars and retire early. This is achievable if you set your goals realistically.

The Internet is the grand illusion that paints this portrait of instant riches to the average online marketer. Newcomers often think they will see immediate income and be able to retire in 3-6 months. While this has happened for some the majority need a 3-5 year plan for success. The Internet guru's and scam artists can be blamed for this tragic reality. They often write ad copy that paints this grand illusion just to get their hands on your money. Success is easier online than a traditional brick and mortar business but it just takes time and focus.

It is safe to say your first few months in business will be trial and error, learning as much as you can about marketing online and off and figuring out what works. Everyone should have a marketing budget and stay within that budget and grow advertising expenses as the profits start to come in. Setting a goal to at least cover your car payment within 3 months is realistic. Then add to it every three months.

Add your credit card payments from month 3-6 and then your utility bills to month 6-9 and then the grand daddy of them your entire mortgage by month 12. Even if you just made an extra $300 a month and never added any more income, that could be used to accelerate the pay-off of debts and then put into a IRA to build retirement income. A $300 a month investment for 5 years at a 10% return in a tax-deferred account could end up being well over $21,000. Then include compounding interest as the years go on you get into the millions by year twenty.

Add an extra $100 to your monthly credit card payment and you can pay it off in 1-2 years as opposed to 15-20. The power of making extra money online is all in how you look at it. Keep your day job, set realistic income and sales goals, track them daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and you will see your income grow and grow.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Spitting in your dog s food to build dominance - revisited

I was having dinner last week with Jeff and Michelle--two of my first dog training clients, when I branched out on my own and started South Bay K-9 Academy in Southern California, back in 1994.

[I'm now actively retired from working with the general public... I love working with dogs, but the dog owners (Jeff and Michelle not withstanding) drove me absolutely nuts!]

Anyway, Jeff and Michelle still have their Dalmatian, "Dotty," who's now close to 11 years-old.

I've always thought it was funny that the one thing people seem to remember from my 324 page dog training book, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" is that I recommend spitting in your dog's food.

As if this were the magic key to getting a well behaved dog.

Regardless, it seems to be the one thing that almost everybody remembers--from literally hundreds of dog training tips I present in the book, on our web site Dogproblems. com, and in our discussion forum.

Why do I recommend spitting in your dog's food?

Because you're marking the dog food with your scent. And because the Alpha dog in the pack always eats first.

This is a subtle way to communicate to your dog that you are the pack leader. But this alone won't do it. You need to be acting like a pack leader in every other aspect of your dog's life, too. Such as being the first to walk through a door. Or telling your dog where to lay down, and when he's allowed to eat. And making sure you follow through and enforce any and every command that you give.

I take a lot of guff from people--especially other dog trainers--who misinterpret my advice and think that spitting in your dog's food is the only thing you need to do tol make you the Alpha dog. It's not.

Well, not any more than the 100 other subtle things you must do to communicate that you are the pack leader. I always stress to new dog owners that the more things you're doing to reinforce that you are the pack leader for your dog, will make your dog view you as the pack leader, faster. Spitting in your dog's food is just one more thing to do that helps.

So anyway, back to my dinner with Jeff and Michelle:

When I asked how Dotty was doing, Jeff responded that Dotty was absolutely fantastic. The best dog they'd ever had, due in no small part to their diligence and consistency in applying the dog training techniques I showed them.

But then Jeff said something very interesting: "I'm still spitting in her food. In fact, she won't even touch the food until after I spit in it." (Remember: The Alpha dog always eats first!).

So there you go: Further proof that some of my more outlandish dog training techniques really work!

Even if you may feel silly doing it.

That's all for now, folks!


Dogproblems. com

P. S. Jeff and Michelle are able to take Dotty anywhere--off leash--and know that she'll respond to commands, immediately. They even take her camping quite frequently..., which Dotty absolutely loves!

Ebooks impacting the knowledge explosion

You don’t have to look too far online to find answers to some of your most challenging questions. Now, your question may not deal with quantum physics, and it may even seem a little lightweight when it comes to the various questions one could contemplate about the universe and it’s environs, but the web is just loaded with knowledge.

The web was constructed as a means of connecting computers and the information each user had available for the benefit of the entire group. As the system grew international servers have brought information to our screens in ways we may have never dreamed possible.

This simple thirst for knowledge is the exact reason why ebooks are growing in popularity.

It’s true that if we are dedicated enough and have enough time we can sort through all the various knowledge-based sites to gain a comprehensive understanding of virtually any topic, but if we can access an ebook that already has a thoughtful pattern developed for helping us gain a clearer picture of the subject then we save both time and eye strain. We do this by making an online purchase of the ebook and cease our endless research.

Think about it this way. At one time you went to the library and found books and magazine articles about the subject you were interested in. You had to copy, transcribe and locate the best information to help you understand a subject. In an online world you can copy and paste your research while you try to make heads or tails of the bulk of information you have compiled. An ebook expert saves you multiple steps by allowing you instant access to an ebook that generally costs less than you might spend on a few extra lattes at your favorite coffee shop.

The Internet has proven over and over again to be a place where people seek knowledge, entertainment and cyber friendships. The Internet has become one of the most comprehensive and interactive communications devices known to mankind.

From a publishing standpoint ebooks are extremely easy to assemble and they allow you to bypass the need for a traditional publisher. These ebooks can be placed on your website for sale with a hands-free mechanism for continued sales.

Every day savvy online marketers are either working on their own ebook or seeking someone to write one for them.

If you are looking for an ebook on a certain topic you are likely to find one if you have enough perseverance.

If you are looking to publish an ebook on a certain topic let me be the first to congratulate you. There may be more people interested in your topic of choice than you think.