Friday, 30 September 2016

Developing a unique selling proposition consistency between online and offline marketing

This month’s articles hammer home the importance of synergy and consistency between your online and offline marketing efforts. Within this context this month tip addresses what may well be the most important and overriding marketing consideration you can make, online or offline --- Developing your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

When companies are trying to determine how to market a product, they focus on the Unique Selling Proposition, the one thing that makes that product different than any other. It's the one reason they think consumers will buy the product even though it may seem no different from many others just like it. It may be that the product has a lower price or more convenient packaging, or it may taste or smell better, or last longer. Would you buy from a company that does not promise some great value, benefit, or service but just a “buy from us" for no good reason sales pitch?

Your unique selling proposition is the mantra around which you will build your success so you need to be able to state it in a single statement. It will discipline you to focus on what your business is all about and bring your company to mind when someone is looking for the products or services you sell. It answers the question every consumer asks “What’s in it for me"?

Many businesses online and offline don’t provide an answer - and very few online businesses make sure that answer appears on their landing and home pages. If you can’t cut through the clutter, grab attention and communicate immediately that you offer value nobody else has, your visitors are gone to someone who can.

In order to create your USP ask yourself the following questions:

1. What are the unique aspects about my business, product, or service vs my competition?

2. Which of these aspects are most important to my customers?

3. Which aspects are difficult for my competition to imitate?

4. Which of these aspects can be easily communicated and understood?

5. Can you create a memorable message (USP) of these unique, meaningful qualities about your business or brand?

6. How will you communicate this message (USP) to buyers and end users, both online and offline?


AVIS: "We Try Harder"

Burger King: "Have it your Way"

Kentucy Fried Chicken: "Finger Lickin Good"

Dominos Pizza: "Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed"

Public street fights are a menace to society

Public Street fights may not be very common but the effect it leaves behind is a real menace to the society. These open tussles between two people may just turn really ugly, involving bystanders in the process and it becomes heated brawls. In their anger, their common sense goes haywire and destruction of public properties such as parked vehicles, using waste bins as weapons, using anything that they can get hold of and it becomes a nasty fight.

The street fight may just be a contest between two opponents out in the open space. Outside pubs and night clubs; alleys are great sites for these public street fights where supporters gang up and there's a lot of push and pulling, ugly words and such. These fights are in public places and chances are innocents might get caught in the tussle and in the end, they may be the ones left with some severe bruises and cuts and not those who had instigated the street fight. Especially at nighttime, ruffians and thugs are always on the lookout for someone, anyone, to mess around. Also drunks and drug addicts are number are one menace, starting public street fights; in their state, fights are easy to break out. They may just call out some nasty names and rough words, and soon it turns into ugly fist to fist fights; their friends may want to help them, turning into one major public street fight. All these are quite disturbing for many people, disturbing their sleep, damaging their properties, with the sirens of the police cabs and such. All these are more of a vandalism, a real menace.

There are some no gooders too simply roaming around looking for a fight. Especially females, kids, aged are their targets just loitering around to create a scene.

Public street fights are also common outside the college campuses and sport stadiums. Rivals just get outside on the streets and slug it out within a few minutes, crowds and bystanders cheering on and yes, they tend to obstruct passerby's and traffic at times and by the time the cops manages to push in through the crowds, the street fighters may have run off long back. In instances like this, innocent bystanders may also get whacked or pushed in the scuffle. In fact we do have incidents of public getting hurt in the footpaths and streets, unable to quickly duck out during the street fights. During such street fights, there's utter chaos usually, fighters will just kick and punch the opponents, smash them into the parked cars, they will just use anything nearby, chairs will be flying in the air, beer bottles smashed to thousand pieces on the streets and so the mess goes on. As such these public street fights become very dangerous. While walking on the streets one never knows when the next street fight may break out. It's a scary world out there!

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Find your soulmate

Soulmate. Once upon a time we wondered if we were ever going to meet our own. We ask if the one we are with right now is the one truly meant for us. There are just too many stories about people finding “the one”, their “match”, their “twin soul”, that at times it almost feels too magical to believe, yet we keep on believing. Love, indeed, moves in mysterious ways. If you want to know if it’s possible, it is. You can
find your soulmate.

Soulmates are believed to be our “love match”, the other twin of our soul. If you have episodes of yearning and longing, that’s because you haven’t met yet the special someone who can fill up your loneliness. If you got fears, he definitely has ways to subside them. He can put an end to your uncertainty; he spells happiness. Soulmates rather complement us than complete us.

The first sign in discerning if HE is the one is when your heart and mind tell you that HE is so. You will know it even if you don’t know how. That’s the joy that soulmates bring to everyone.

Knowing each of us has a matched soul is a beautiful thing to think of. The universe is so huge that the journey in finding our soulmates seems like a blanket of overwhelming adventure. The thought seems mysterious but tugs inspiringly at the heartstrings. It makes us want to wake up each day with that burning desire that we might just stumble to them. The scenario can get really delightful, what with a not so
perfect world that we have, finding your soulmate in the most strange times is perhaps the most beautiful thing that can happen to any individual.

So, the question is, how do you find your soulmate when you have no place to start and you have no hint at whom to look for? Simple, it only takes affirmation and awareness, and at the right time you will be able to recognize the “one”.

AFFIRMATION. Believe that you will meet him. While it is true that you don’t have to go on searching literally for your soulmate, it takes a positive affirmation to help you attract the energies of the universe that may lead you to him. As with the Christian principle: Ask and you shall receive. Maintain a conscious effort of believing and anticipating that one day soon you will meet. It can be an everyday exercise you can practice that can fuel you to live your life with passion for love.

AWARENESS It would help a great deal if you can keep your eyes and heart open for possible encounters with a soulmate. Know in your heart that you wish to meet him and imagine in your mind what a dream it would be when that happens. Anyone can pass for a soulmate so try not to discriminate people in advance. Good for you if you have the gift of discernment, but who are the chosen few who have this talent? The strategy is to be in control. Cling on to that aspiration that your soulmate is not too far away. Be aware of signs that surround you because who knows, he could also be looking for you.


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Small is efficient in the electricity sector

A similar picture is emerging in the market structure of UK business electricity retailers as witnessed within the supermarket sector especially between the competitive practices being undertaken.

Just like supermarket chains, business electricity retail is dominated by a few major players who share some 96% of the total market. However, rather than compete head-on for market share, they appear only compete for a small percentage of customers at the peripherals.

They attract these new customers from each other by offering competitive ‘new customer only’ introductory rates, quickly reverting to standard rates (and sometimes more), when contracts roll-over after the first year or so. These practices are not dissimilar to the loss-leaders used by supermarkets to attract customers into the store where they are likely to spend much more on non-discounted goods.

Although showing very similar market structures now, these sectors got to this position in very different ways. The grocery sector was originally fragmented with no major players really dominating until the emergence of supermarket chains. Whereas, electricity was monopolised by regional suppliers and de-regulation simply served to reduce the number of suppliers still further, encouraging competition only amongst each other nationwide.

On one hand we have a market which was previously competitive with many suppliers that have been squeezed by ever-increasing concentration. So much so that the top three supermarket chains now have over 50% of the total market, with the market leader alone claiming 30%. On the other hand you have a market where efforts to expand the number of suppliers have been stifled by the barriers to entry and the sheer power of the incumbent suppliers.

The jury is out on the positive or negative effects of supermarket dominance, however, whatever the rights or wrongs of where we are now, no one can deny that those who now dominate have arrived at their position through their own efforts and ingenuity.

But electricity is a different matter. Power has been bestowed upon the ‘big six’ major suppliers such as British Gas, Powergen and Npower to name a few, irrespective of who actually owns them today. And one might argue that power which has been gained in such a way reduces the drive or even the necessity to compete to win.

Evidence suggests that in the 90% or so of the business that don’t switch year on year price patterns for each supplier are extremely similar. One major player makes a marginal price move and the others simply follow over time.

The argument which supports the view that supermarkets actually create competition and push prices down by their huge economies of scale and purchasing power is also one which is somewhat lost in the electricity arena. Many would view the big six as inefficient legacies of the old system who are protected from real competition by the extremely tough barriers of entry.

Indeed, some of those smaller suppliers who have managed to scale these barriers have been able to demonstrate far more efficiencies aided by intelligent investment in technology. Unlike the supermarkets, there are no real efficiencies related to scale as most electricity retailers must turn to the same wholesale market for their supply. Some can cushion any market turmoil by relying on their up-stream activities when the retail market gets tough – a luxury which is simply not an option for the smaller supplier.

But businesses needn’t switch to the smaller supplier out of sympathy nor from fear of what might lie around the corner should the major players succeed in driving them out completely. They should switch simply because they are now able to get a much better deal and a deal with longevity. The smaller supplier with a plan to mimic the big six in order to attract new customers would be committing commercial suicide. What would be the point of fighting so hard to win new business and then letting it slip away at renewal?

Businesses can save significant amounts of money by switching to the smaller independent supplier now and can relax in the knowledge that they will continue to save money and receive an exemplary service into the bargain. Only then will the big players be forced to sit up and take note and who knows, we might just see the emergence of a truly competitive electricity sector in the future.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Natural therapy for maintaining healthy blood pressure part 3

While there are many common pharmaceutical treatments for high blood pressure including beta blockers and A. C.E. inhibitors there are some very effective alternatives including pomegranate juice, passion flower and physical exercise.

There is evidence that pomegranate juice offers protection against cardiovascular disease. While pomegranates (punica granatum) have been around for thousands of years, not much research had been done until recently. Most of the research was first conducted in Israel and has been ongoing. One of the first studies to gain attention showed that pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic (biologically active substance that prevents atherogenesis, the accumulation of lipid containing plaques on the innermost layers of the arteries) effects in healthy humans and in atherosclerotic mice that may be attributable to its anti oxidative properties. A few months later, the results of a study conducted at the University of California showed an antioxidant activity three times higher than those of red wine and green tea.

Then, another study in Israel showed that pomegranate juice reduced the development of atherosclerosis in mice that already had advanced atherosclerosis. The next month , results of another study showed a 36% decrease in serum ACE activity and a 5% reduction in systolic blood pressure in patients who drank pomegranate juice. The study concluded that pomegranate juice can offer a wide protection against cardiovascular diseases which could be related to its inhibitory effect on oxidative stress and on serum ACE activity.

In the past 5 years, 150+ more studies and publications involving the pomegranate have been indexed at U. S. National Library of Medicine's PubMed database, with findings that suggest many healthy benefits of this fruit. Probably the most significant is in the reduction of cardiovascular disease.

Another exciting study in March, 2005 tested the effects of pomegranate juice on samples of cultured human coronary artery cells exposed to extreme stress in vitro (as they would be in someone with high blood pressure), and also on hypercholesterolemic mice. The study showed that administration of pomegranate juice significantly reduced the progression of atherosclerosis, and that the proatherogenic effects induced by perturbed shear stress can be reversed by chronic administration of pomegranate juice. Implications of this is that chronic administration of pomegranate juice may be effective in both prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

The results of another 3-year study suggest that pomegranate juice decreases carotid intima-media thickness and systolic blood pressure in patients with carotid artery stenosis.

In the most recent article about pomegranates, posted at PubMed on January 17, 2007, the authors stated, "The last 7 years have seen over seven times as many publications indexed by Medline dealing with pomegranate and Punica granatum than in all the years preceding them." They noted that the seed, juice, peel, leaf, flower, bark and roots each have pharmacologic activity. They concluded that "the phytochemistry and pharmacological actions of all Punica granatum components suggest a wide range of clinical applications for the treatment and prevention of cancer, as well as other diseases where chronic inflammation is believed to play an essential etiologic role."

Passion Flower has also shows promise of lowering high blood produce by regulating nervous system neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety. (Passiflora incarnata) is accepted for medicinal use in Germany, France, and other European countries for the treatment of nervous anxiety, and was at one time approved as a sedative and sleep aid over-the-counter drug in the U. S. After a review of night-time sleep aids by the FDA in 1978, it was no longer recognized as effective by the FDA since no American company submitted data on safety and efficacy as required by the FDA, so it was dropped as an over-the-counter drug.

Although passion flower is a native American plant, it has been more widely researched and used in Europe than in the United States. In Germany, France, and other European countries, it is accepted for the treatment of nervous anxiety. Standardized passion flower products contain flavonoids as the primary chemical marker. While flavonoids are generally considered among the most active components of the plant, scientists have not been able to pinpoint the single chemical compound or group of compounds responsible for its sedative action.

Passion flower increases levels of a neurotransmitter known as gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), which decreases the activity of nerve cells in the brain, causing relaxation and relieving anxiety. It contains chemicals known as harmala alkaloids, which are thought to block an enzyme involved in depression.

A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of Passiflora extract to the drug Oxazepam in the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) showed that Passiflora extract is effective for the management of GAD, with no significant difference between the efficacy of it and Oxazepam. An advantage seen with the Passiflora extract was that fewer problems relating to impairment of job performance were encountered.

Everyone experiences anxiety. It is the body's normal reaction to uncertainty, trouble, feeling unprepared, or a perceived, anticipated or imagined danger or threatening situation. Normal anxiety can be a good thing. It helps motivate a person who works well under pressure, resulting in an increase in productivity. But when anxiety and worry are exaggerated without cause, it is a sign of anxiety disorder such as GAD.

People with GAD, like those participating in the trial above, experience pathological anxiety, which is excessive, chronic, and typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities, and is not triggered by any specific object or situation. Passion Flower appears to be helpful in relieving stress not only in individuals with normal anxiety, but in those with GAD as well.

Although there are many available blood pressure medications and natural therapy (such as Melaleuca's Prostolic) are both helpful in reducing and maintaining healthy blood pressure, your body's best defense against high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease begins with a change in lifestyle. The time to change is now, no matter what your age is.

Begin by eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and other heart healthy foods. Lower your salt intake, and avoid processed foods that destroy potassium and generally have high levels of salt added that further robs your body of this vital nutrient. Get plenty of exercise, limit alcohol intake and don't smoke.

Your blood pressure rises as your weight increases, but losing just 10 percent of your body weight over a period of six months can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing diabetes, which are two major risk factors for heart disease. Those who are overweight and already have hypertension will see the greatest effect of a 10-lb. weight loss.

A February, 2006 Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association:

"In view of the continuing epidemic of BP-related diseases and the increasing prevalence of hypertension, efforts to reduce BP in both non hypertensive and hypertensive individuals are warranted. In non hypertensive individuals, dietary changes can lower BP and prevent hypertension. In uncomplicated stage I hypertension (systolic BP of 140 to 159 mm Hg or diastolic BP of 90 to 99 mm Hg), dietary changes serve as initial treatment before drug therapy. In those hypertensive patients already on drug therapy, lifestyle modifications, particularly a reduced salt intake, can further lower BP. The current challenge to health care providers, researchers, government officials, and the general public is developing and implementing effective clinical and public health strategies that lead to sustained dietary changes among individuals and more broadly among whole populations."

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Top 7 reasons to file your income tax returns on time

Here are seven reasons for not being late filing your income tax returns.

1. Avoid Late Filing Penalties

Late filing can result in substantial and continuing penalties. This is in addition to any interest that is due.

2. Receive Better Service from Your Accountant

The earlier you get your paperwork to your accountant, the sooner he can start preparing your tax returns. More importantly, there will be more opportunities to explore and implement tax saving strategies. On the other hand, if you file late, you tie your accountant's hands. For example, he may hesitate to retain profit in your corporation if such profit will be subject to substantial penalties.

3. Avoid Criminal Charges

Of course, if you don't file tax returns at all for a few years, you may also face charges of tax evasion.

4. Prevent Bankruptcy

Generally speaking, persons who don't file tax returns on a timely basis also lack adequate records for managing their business. Since they don't keep their bookkeeping and accounting up-to-date, they only think they know how they're doing and how they stand financially. This, of course, is a recipe for financial disaster.

5. Enjoy Better Relations with Tax Authorities

Late filers also receive the unwanted attention of the taxation departments. Non-compliance can result in audits, aggressive collection action and legal proceedings. In addition, if you ever do have extenuating circumstances that might call for some leniency or extraordinary consideration on the part of the tax department, you are more likely to receive it if you have a flawless history of co-operation and compliance.

6. Obtain Financing

You'll have difficulty obtaining financing if you can't provide your financial institution with current income information. Assessment Notices from taxation authorities give banks more assurance that the income claims you make are true. As well, if you haven't filed your current income tax returns, what hidden tax liabilities exist? What is the state of your record-keeping? How do you run your business without adequate financial information? Your bank may hesitate to loan you money or refinance under these circumstances.

7. Reduce Stress and Worry

Many people who are late filing their tax returns feel guilty about it. At the back of their minds, they worry about taxation authorities contacting them, audits, asset seizures, criminal prosecution, penalties and interest, and so on. Some of these worries can become magnified beyond what the actual situation warrants. Save yourself unnecessary stress by filing your income tax returns on time.

Forex trading and pricing explained

I received the following question from one of my list members today:

"... you referred to the currency exchange cash market and the fact that this is basically a market between banks across countries. Does this mean that, for example, the EURO/USD exchange rate is set between the Federal Reserve and the ECB? Is that how a price is established without the benefit of any trading on any listed exchange anywhere else? Thanks for the brief education on this particular point." - Stan Z.

The forex spot market is primarily an "interbank" market. That means the majority of the trading volume is done bank-to-bank such as between Citibank and Goldman Sachs, for example. This trading is generally done on behalf of banking customers such as multinational corporations, though the banks also trade with each other both to hedge their currency exposure and to take on trading positions.

This sort of market structure is the same as the one for most cash market government debt trading, such as that for US Treasury Bonds and the like. You can think of it like the over-the-counter market for stocks. Those trades don't go through an exchange, but are done directly broker-to-broker.

In both forex and fixed income there are big players like hedge funds that take part along with the commercial and investment banks. The world's central banks are also major participants at this level in their attempts to influence exchange rates (forex) and/or interest rates (fixed income).

The transaction sizes in the interbank market are large - generally $5 million and up. Obviously, the average individual trader is not going to be trading anywhere near that big. That's where the online brokers and forex dealers come in to play. They allow small traders to do transactions in significantly lower amounts. In fact, there is at least one which will do trades as small as $1.

Here is where some folks get a bit nervous. Many of these forex dealers actually act as market makers with their clientele. By that I mean they take the other side of the trades that are done by their customers. This is something which can sometimes happen in the stock market as well, especially with OTC stocks. The concern that folks have with this is the implied conflict of interest in terms of price execution that creates. Is a dealer who will be taking the other side of your trade going to be acting in your best interest when you put on a trade?

While it may be true that some unscrupulous dealers may take advantage of their customers in that way, I am quite confident that most of them are not acting against their customers. They simply provide liquidity to the market and earn the spread to do so. When they have an excessive exposure to any particular currency, they offset it by hedging in the interbank market or with another dealer. That's basically the same as a floor trader on any exchange.

Getting to the question of how prices get set, the market does that, not the central banks. Each individual bank and dealer is actually setting its own price. That might sound a bit strange in that it would create different rates all over the place. The fact of the matter is, however, that prices between dealers and banks are almost always going to be very, very close. There are services such as Reuters where dealer prices are aggregated and presented in data feeds, allowing everyone to know the current (and historical) market rates. Arbitrage trading keeps dealers from quoting prices too far away from each other.

There is also trading in the futures market, and the relatively new currency exchange traded funds (ETFs). The activity there, while only a small fraction of the global market volume, also contributes to keeping prices in line across the board.

Truth about low fat diets benefits

A national study recently revealed telling facts regarding low-fat diets and their benefits relating to cancer and heart disease. A study concluded by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) and Stanford University noted that a low-fat diet, alone, is not enough to greatly reduce the risk of heart disease and/or cancer in adult women. Researchers have found that a reduction in saturated and trans fats may provide more positive results.

The study showed that women who participate in a low-fat diet experienced a 9% reduction in the development of breast cancer. In addition, no significant changes were noted in the occurrence of heart disease. An impressive 49,000 females, ranging in age from 50 to 79, participated in what is known as the America’s largest long-term study of a low-fat diet to ever be noted. The research was conducted over a period of eight years, in which the experts planned to test the theory that low-fat diets were helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Among the 49,000 subjects, 40% were assigned to a low-fat diet, which required that they reduce their fat intake to 20% of their total calorie intake. In addition, they were to eat fruits and vegetables on five or more instances throughout the day, along with six servings of grain. The remaining 60% of participants were designated as the comparison group and were instructed to maintain their eating habits as always.

Women’s Health Initiative experts, however, noted that a number of low-fat diet participants did not meet the 20% fat intake goal. In a recent news report released from Stanford University, experts conveyed that women who wish to maintain their health should consider a diet that is both low in saturated and trans fats while being rich in fiber and vegetables. This diet would replace one that is geared solely toward the intake of low-fat foods.

“Just switching to low-fat foods is not likely to yield much health benefit in most women,” commented Marcia Stefanick, PhD, professor of medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and chair of the Women’s Health Initiative steering committee. “Rather than trying to eat low-fat, women should focus on reducing saturated fats and trans fats.”

In addition to any diet program, regular exercise and health screenings should be used for early detection and the most effective treatment.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for diet and/or exercise regimens. Every individual should consult his/her physician prior to beginning any program consisting of diet and/or exercise.

A big sustain for web advance

Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion has productively considered and launched cost valuable websites for individuals to develop business. Web design companies in Delhi recognize your vision for ecommerce website improvement. What ever your business, that’s no matter but web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion is always helps to enlarge your business. With designs that stand out from the crowd, a web design in Delhi offers a small business and corporate enterprises in inventive and exclusive ways. In which it contains to sell existing or new products on the web at inexpensive prices. In Delhi many web design companies placed with having the inspired talent to appeal to your sense of style, the training and knowledge of current web standards and practices, and the ability to turn your ideas into certainty. In Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion you find a series of web-based software applications that have helped customers create successful online initiates. Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion provide all the services that company needs to get online, and for website promotion in major search engines. From conception and making to full growth and execution, web design companies in Delhi focus on all the aspects of managing a web project. Web sites range from personal to corporate database extensive applications. Web Design Delhi Company e-Fuzion use years of experience and latest web development technologies and tools for classy web design which delivers creative, scalable web designs and solutions that reflect the character, needs and vision of clients.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Who should use acne medication

Anyone can have acne and it is a painful and embarrassing problem for most people. There are ways to treat it so that no one has to deal with this uncomfortable appearance that makes him or her self-conscious all of the time. For some people they are just entering their teenage years and there are others who have been dealing with acne for most of their adult lives.

There are so many forms of acne medication out there to choose from. There are different skin needs and it is important to recognize all of the different types of acne and what the needs for it are. There are so many over the counter products that can help treat acne for just about anyone.

Anyone can get acne at any stage in his or her life. There are many things that can cause acne and that are why it may be necessary for someone to get different forms of acne medication for their problem. There are different ways to handle the different kinds of acne and at different stages that it occurs. With the right help, you will have a good result in the end.

As with most things, acne has a beginning, middle and end. It is a skin condition and the best time for acne medication is at the beginning stages. In the early stages of acne, the pores will enlarge and create thick oils. They will fill up with black and white matter and this will result in a black head. This is the part that will cause the acne and needs to be taking care of at once. The dead skin needs to be exfoliated and removed.

There are many different kinds of creams and gels to use as a form of acne medication that you can find in the stores. You may find that these treatments work, or you may have to take it one step further and get a dermatologist to assist you with your skin. When this is the case, you may be prescribed some form of ointment or you may have to go through a form of therapy to get your acne under control.

If you go through therapy for your acne, you will find that there are a lot of different things to try. There are chemical peels, scrubs, and even electrical programs that may help you find relief from this acne problem.

It may take some work, but with enough information and some research, you will find the right acne medication that will help you get your skin looking clear and pure and give you the self-confidence that you deserve.

Friday, 23 September 2016

The education system employs technology to help stay in touch

Technology has become a part of almost every aspect of the workforce. Many industries and organization are now reaping the benefits of its many uses, and the education system is no exception. Communications servers are now making it easier than ever for school officials to notify parents of a child’s absence, for parents to notify the school of a child’s absence, and for teachers to offer information and assistance concerning various homework assignments.

Through the use of a computer system, an automated dial system can be configured to provide pre-recorded information upon request, and updating this information has become easier than ever. Also, through the use of voice mail, students and parents can leave messages that can be easily access by school officials. Likewise, students can quickly access critical information as desired to find various homework assignments, an option that is especially useful if a student has been absent on a particular day.

These communications servers are designed to streamline information and messaging within the school system’s administrative and teaching community. This type of system can also help facilitate communications between various designated groups, clubs, the entire student body, and parents. Through this, everyone can stay better informed of special events and check the system frequently for any updates or changes that may have occurred.

These types of communications systems are very affordable, and use an easy to use voice processing system that will make communications more convenient across the board. Now, as soon as events are scheduled or changes are made, the messages can be recorded and immediately available to students and parents. Parents will also be able to call the system and obtain this information more easily than ever before. The results are now more instantaneous.

Teachers can also post informative information about homework assignments, upcoming exams, and school-wide testing that students can access on a daily basis from the comfort of their own homes. The use of websites has also served to promote this type of instant communication, and the two systems can be used in conjunction with one another to increase communications and raise awareness.

There are several companies that offer such communications servers and services, each using similar technology. As the voice capabilities improve, so will the level of technology. As more functions are added to the system, more information will be readily available to students, school officials, and parents that will only help to unify the overall educational experience and foster a more comprehensive learning environment.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The amazing profit producing ebook

While I was surfing the internet for opportunities to increase my flow of income, I came across a great concept. It was an idea I was never aware of before, but was happy that I found. The concept of an e-Book, or electronic book was what I had discovered. It is a book that can be purchased and downloaded to ones computer instantly. When purchasing a traditional book, there is a risk of it not being in stock. If this is the case, one would have to wait much longer. There is no waiting for shipping after the purchase of an e-Book because it is simply a digital file that is transferred in the form of a PDF document or other medium. This is a huge advantage because you are saving time and money on postage, printing costs and other materials needed to ship out a product to your customers. You are also saving space in your home because other tangible products would need to be stored. An e-Book can be published literally within a few days or even hours.

E-Books bring Web-like interactivity to the reading experience. Clicking directly on the electronic page allows you to look up the meanings of unfamiliar words, explore cross-referenced passages in the same book or related works, or even activates links to Web sites or multimedia elements such as sound, video, and animation. E-Books can be secured so only you or other authorized users can read and/or amend them. It is also possible to prevent unauthorized printing, copying or extraction of the content whilst still making the e-Book universally viewable and easily shared. They can be updated easily and more often so that the information is always current. This is a great aspect because we are in the information age and information that was at one point cutting edge could be obsolete within a matter of months. If in the end one would rather read off paper instead of a computer, e - Books can always be printed!

How to protest the online gambling ban

Protesting the government is not a cast of protesting a company because you do not like a product, this is a case of you trying to change the mind of the government and this can be hard to do, but it can be done.

Before you can even have a chance at holding a successful protest the first thing you should do is to circulate an online petition, this will give you an idea of how many people support your cause and gives you a list of names with phone numbers that you can call to get people to come to your protest.

The next step is to go online and find other groups protesting the new internet gambling act, and see if that group would be willing to join your protest, the more people protesting the online gambling ban the better the chances are of getting the law reversed.

After this you should start a letter writing campaign not only to your local congressmen but to all the Congressmen and see where they stand. Some of them will not be in support of the online gambling ban and will be willing to not only sign your petition but will be hey may be even willing to speak at your protest.

The next step is to plane your protest. The timing of your protest is important if you choose to protest at the Whitehouse you do not want to do it when the president is not there or if you choose to make your stand at congress do not do it at a time they are on a brake, this can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your protest.

Make sure to have a well written press release to the press at least 2 days before the protest to ensure that you will get press coverage. The more people who hear about your protest the more names you can get on your petition.

The point of a petition is to basically let someone know that people are not happy with what they are doing, and if enough people protest the government you can get them to change their decision. This is especially true with a politician. They know thee job depends on votes and if they are going to gain enough votes to secure their job they will do it even if they truly do not agree with it.

You must apply for a permit to protest at least 30 days in advance, or if there are delays you may not have a permit on the day you have told your protesters to show up, to truly insure you have time, apply for the permits at least 60 days in advance.

When applying for the permits you should be able to find out about the rules for setting up any sound equipment you will need so you can make the arrangements for them.

The only thing left to do for your online gambling ban protest is to wait for the big day.

Insurance for your wanderlust

Many of us wish we could be Columbus someday. The wanderlust affects each of us at one time or another. The call of an exotic world of history, bustle, and scenic landscapes is an irresistible one. To be able to jet off into some foreign country must be exciting. Looking at air tickets, bus routes, train fares, and checking hotels for accommodation hold the keys to the perfect holiday. A journey to a new place provides us with a chance to broaden our horizons. It is also an opportunity to get away from it all. Life is never as exciting as when one is on a vacation taking in the sights and sounds.

The highs of traveling to a new place are many. For starters, we become acquainted with a whole new culture, and find out about various other people. It helps us to gain new perspectives on the thing we call life. As we travel to newer and more unknown lands, we are able to emerge out of our isolated existences. Isn't that what we call living? Exploring new worlds is exciting stuff. It is also a good way to get some rest, though we have all come across the famous saying that, "Nobody needs a vacation as much as the man who has just returned from one."

Of course, most travelers will attest that not everything is perfect during one's travels. Some trips can become virtual comedies of error as tickets and baggage get lost, passengers fall sick, and natural disasters may occur. Traveling to a foreign land has a number of risks. Falling sick in an alien place could be quite a traumatic experience. You might feel completely at sea, and you might end up paying a lot more than you had hoped to spend on your entire trip.

That is why more and more travelers today are availing of insurance policies to protect them from all possible risks. Some travelers may rubbish the concept of travel insurance by saying that it is just another gimmick. Well, many trips may go off like clockwork with nothing at all going wrong. But insurance is all about protection. A traveler's insurance transforms into a blessing during a trip where things do go wrong. So if an emergency forces you to spend more than you had budgeted on at the outset, the insurance plan that you go in for would have you covered.

And where should you be looking for travel insurance? Well, the Internet provides great insurance hunting ground. With the jet-setting travelers of today increasingly surfing the net to decide on where and where to travel, why should it be any different for insurance seekers? The Internet abounds in a number of websites that provide travelers with suitable travel insurance policies. Study a large number of websites and look at what liabilities these insurance programs will cover. Most policies will cover you for illness, baggage loss, and emergency evacuation. Frequent travelers can even avail of annual multi-trip policies. Traveling is a lot of fun. However, we must take care to be prepared for all kinds of accidents.

A guide to import and export laws

Import and export laws are a combination of various international as well as national laws that are used to control cross border trade of products and services. Different countries impose different import and export laws and regulations that are designed to protect their economic situation and their environment as well as human health.

Considering international trade involves regulations imposed by so many different countries, it is far more challenging than any domestic or national business operation. Some of the complexities encountered in international trade include issues of legality, documentation, licensing, finance, property rights, governmental regulations and communication. As the emphasis on awareness of terrorism keeps increasing, it is equally important to keep up-to-date with ever-changing new laws as and when they are enacted.

A formal declaration is required for any trade that exceeds the stipulated limit, which is different in different countries. Wrongful declarations of true value and weight of the goods so as to attract a lower duty value is considered illegal and the trader’s international trading privileges could be revoked or suspended.

Contravention of import and export laws, whether knowingly or unknowingly is a serious offense and is likely to attract a penalty, which could include imprisonment in most countries. Serious transgressions include trading in drugs, endangered wild life species, toxic substances and hazardous materials.

Import and Export of Wildlife Species

Import and export of wildlife species are subject to stringent foreign wildlife laws and regulations all over the world. Almost all countries ban the trade of threatened and endangered species, marine mammals, migratory birds and any injurious or harmful species. All wildlife traders require a special permit, which should be valid. In the United States, wildlife export/import regulations are included in the federal laws that are designed to protect wildlife including the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Wild Bird Conservation Act and others.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Fishing fun head north to canada

Picture it: standing knee-deep in a cool, sun-drenched stream, trout or salmon breaking the surface of the water all around you while you cast your line to catch one of those babies, heart racing with excitement. Such an image is not at all far-fetched when it comes to fishing in Canada, and thousands of anglers from around the world converge on Canada's hundreds of thousands of square miles of lakes, streams and rivers throughout the country every year.

Canada offers fishermen of all ages, sexes and experience levels a wealth of fishing opportunities and adventures, no matter what you want to do. Spectacular landscapes, mountain ranges, valleys and canyons delight visitors to the Canadian wilderness every summer, spring and fall, and even more daring fishermen venture to Canada in the winter to participate in some of the world's finest ice fishing during colder months.

Fishing in Canada reaps more than just salmon, and trout, pike, halibut and everything in between are plentiful, as is fresh air, bright skies and endless forests and meadows, making Canada a favorite for everyone. Families, loners and groups are more than welcome to any number of fishing lodges, camps or resorts scattered throughout the various provinces in Canada. Whether you want to hike in, ride in, drive in or canoe in, there's a fishing adventure waiting for you in Canada. Many people head south or west for their fall fishing, but why not head north and skip the crowds and enjoy some cooler temperatures for a change?

Fishing excursions can be custom planned by fishing outfits or you can make arrangements through your local travel agency. Most people these days make their plans on the Internet, directly with fishing providers throughout Canada. Want to reserve a cabin in the wilderness for yourself or your family? Make sure you plan ahead, because these places go fast during the summer months. If you want to try fishing in Canada in the spring, for example, it's a good idea to make reservations, depending on where you want to stay of course, the previous fall. Some places fill up fast, so the more popular or the more amenities offered, the quicker you can figure they'll fill up. When in doubt, give any place you're considering a call and ask them about their booking schedule and rates.

Many fishing camps, lodges and resorts offer guided day or weekend trips, though many anglers decide to hit the streams alone. Always let someone know where you're going, and don't forget to treat the forests and the wildlife they contain with a healthy respect. If you want a guide, make sure you book early for their services.

Canadian waters carry a wide variety of fish, and anglers have their choice to fly fish, reel fish, or you can fish off banks, boats and anything else that suits your fancy, but always plan ahead and let your chosen lodge know exactly what it is you'll be wanting, and they'll do their best to fill your needs.

Lcd televisions - technology uncovered

LCD is one of the biggest technologies in television at the moment, set to go head-to-head against plasma screens for the future of TVs.

But what do LCD televisions mean to you? Well, to begin with, the picture you get is a lot sharper. By now you’ve probably replaced your old bulky computer monitor with a flat, LCD one, and you’ve no doubt noticed the difference in picture quality and clarity. Now the companies behind LCD want it to do the same for televisions, making them flatter, clearer and altogether better.

Another thing to note is that the rise of HDTV (high-definition television) is linked to the rise of LCD televisions. HDTV allows the original TV signal to be broadcast in even better quality than a DVD, and digital LCD TVs can then display the signal perfectly.

It really makes TV as we know it today look ridiculously primitive by comparison – and if you’re willing to splash out on an LCD TV and an HDTV subscription, you can have it today. Every year, LCD screens are decreasing in price and increasing in size, making them an ever-better competitor against other screen technologies.

When you buy an LCD television, the main things to look for are size and price, although there are also more technical features you might be interested in, like colour depth (the number of colours the screen can display). Response time is one that is often considered important, as LCDs with a long response time can produce a blurring effect when showing pictures of something that is moving quickly. There is also a measurement called dot pitch, which roughly indicates how sharp the picture produced by the TV will be (lower numbers are better).

As a final word of advice, if you do decide to buy an LCD TV, make sure you see it in use in the shop first. You should watch to see how it handles different kinds of pictures, and what the display is like compared to other LCDs, as well as compared to plasma screens.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Golfing in maui

Anyone who is planning a trip to Maui, Hawaii probably has a plan in mind for what they want to see and do on this magnificent island. There is history, beaches, mountains, biking, volcanoes and more all on the second largest island of Hawaii. There are water activities, land activities and even activities from the air. You can tour the island in a bi-plane, go whale watching or snorkeling in a coral reef and much more. However, one of the most favorite activities to see and do in Maui has always been golf.

If you are a golf fan, you will absolutely love Maui. There are so many great places in Maui to enjoy golf. Maui is home to some of the best courses in Hawaii and even in the world. You have likely never seen courses as beautiful and amazing as those that you can find Maui, even if you are a seasoned golfer. If you want a great golf vacation getaway, then you are sure to love and enjoy the many options that Maui has for you. It is literally a golf lover’s paradise.

Before you pack up your bags and set off to Maui, you might be wondering what exactly this island has to offer and where you will stay and play. There are many different resorts all over the island of Maui that offer you the finest in accommodations as well as some fantastic golf courses and package deals. In fact, you can see that these are some of the best places in the world to go play golf. If you are traveling with someone who is not a golfer, there are many resort packages that also have spas and other options for the non-golfer you bring along.

Maui is home to lush green oceanfront courses, mountainside links and much more. You can even golf while taking in the view of a volcano! Maui is referred to as the “valley Isle” because of the two volcanic mountain ranges that for the east and west of the island. Here in the middle of these mountains is the Valley which makes up most of the island’s activity and this is where you can find the many great golf courses to choose from.

The weather is always mild and nice and with over 20 golf courses on the Magic Isles, you can choose from the best in the country. Whether you are new to golf or has been doing it for a lifetime, you will love the many options you have in Maui.

There are even many discount golf locations to choose from. There are places where you can enjoy golf on the greatest island in the world without spending a fortune. If you are planning a great golf adventure but you are on a tight budget, you might want to look into cheaper, affordable golf locations in Maui.

Maui Golf Courses

Below are some of the golf courses you have to choose from. If you are taking a golf vacation, looking to get in a few holes while on a family vacation or you want the ultimate golf resort getaway, you can find something that will meet your needs. You might want to contact the courses to find out more information about them as well as exactly where on the island they are located.

Bay Course

Course characteristics: rolling and hilly terrain; 68 bunkers total; 8 water hazards total; picturesque fifth hole has golfers at the edge of the Pacific.

Kaanapali Resort South Course

Beautiful ocean views, rolling fairways, premium on accuracy not distance.

Kaanapali Tournament North Course

Scenic fairways, sweeping views of the ocean and mountains.

Makena North Course

Located on 1,800 acres of unspoiled, natural beauty; both the North and South Courses at Makena will whet any golfer's appetite.

Makena South Course

Sharing the spirit that embodies the Makena Resort, the South Course provides the serenity and tranquility many golfers are looking for.

Plantation Course

Course characteristics: large-scale terrain features; deep valleys; expansive greens and fairways; Home to the Mercedes Championships; the start of the PGA Tour season.

Village Course

Course characteristics: hilly terrain; links-style playability; 61 bunkers total; 4 water hazards total; panoramic views of Molokai, Lanai, and the Pacific Ocean.

Wailea Blue Course

Scenic resort golf course that has great ocean and mountain views and great family rates.

Wailea Emerald Course

Picturesque resort golf course. Wailea is the most women-friendly award winning golf course.

Wailea Gold Course

Award-winning golf; host of Champions & LPGA Skins Games.

You should now have a better idea of some of the many places to golf in Maui. If you are looking for more information on a specific resort or others that we don’t have listed above, there are many websites that offer pictures, full information including prices and reservations and more all from their site.

The history of the beer glass

It is well known that beer has been with mankind for a long time. As beer itself changed, expanded, and improved, so did the way in which we actually got the beer to our mouths. The earlier vessels man used for drinking included earthenware, pottery, carved out wood, and even sewn-together pieces of leather. As time went on, man saw small improvements in the quality of their beer glasses. Early Europeans living during the time of the Bubonic plague saw the creation of beer steins, which had an enclosed top on the steins to keep flies from landing in the brew and getting the person sick.

The development of glass may have been the most important aspect of the way beer glasses are made today. As beer glasses became more and more popular, consumers could actually see what they were drinking and demanded a lighter and more appealing look as well as taste. This led to the filtration of beers; people no longer wanted the coarse chunks that were often found in the earlier beers of the breweries. With this new, more aesthetically pleasing wave of beer glasses, it seemed like beer steins were on the way out.

The development of glassware continued and produced a variety of beer glasses for all kinds of different beers. The most popular in the United States is the 16-ounce pint glass. It was originally used to fit the top of a Martini shaker, but bartenders soon found that as the brew flowed out of the beer taps the pint glass was the perfect vessel because it allowed for some of the carbonation to be released and allowed the aroma of the beer to be more pronounced. It is also favored for its storage capabilities; pint glasses can be stacked on top of each other and stored easily upright on shelves, quickly making them a favorite with the bartenders who ended up having to wash out each glass.

A drive to get people to buy their brand of beer by earlier breweries led to some unique and groundbreaking moves on the marketing and promotional front. Early breweries were often prohibited to give away beer or other rewards to their customers, but found that giving away beer glasses was a great way to reward customers and also to advertise for themselves. This led to the breweries producing beer glasses that were works of art unto themselves. The first were ornate and expensive; they would often have gold or silver embossed on the sides. Eventually, artists for the breweries began doing detailed etchings on the sides of the glasses or steins and even developed a method of firing enamel paint onto the beer glasses. These enameled glasses remain some of the most rare beer collectibles, even though they were made more recently than the others. Today, some of the beer collectables and signs are worth thousands of dollars and sought out worldwide by eager collectors. Have you looked up in the top of Grandpa’s old drawer lately?

How to win at multiplayer first shooter games

The way most first player shooters score kills is simple to understand the harder it is to make the kill the more points you get. This means that if you kill someone with a knife you will get more points then someone using a chain gun, but running around with just your knife out is a big gamble unless you are extremely skilled at the game. This method of play will usually just make you the biggest loser.

One way to get a good score is to take a long range weapon like a sniper rifle and camp out near the enemy camps spawn point. By doing this every time someone on the opposing team gets killed they will instantly revert back to the spawn point and you can shoot them, then they will disappear and then reappear and you can shoot them again.

You get fewer points like this, but it is the same principal as playing roulette in the casinos, it is easier to get many smaller wins, rather then one big win.

When using this method try to pick your location using your head and do not just take a gamble on your sniping spot. You will want to have the advantage of height, but sometimes if you can get a good shot and be in a lower location it may be the last place someone looks for you. Many of the newer first player games allow the sun to be used as it would in real life. So going up a hill and having the sun at your back will give you a natural advantage in the game, and allow you to snipe from the same spot for a longer time before someone finds and kills you.

Another way to get a higher score is to work as a team with other players. Most people playing a First Player Shooter are playing alone with the goal of running around and killing everything that moves, but if you and some friends are playing you can use each other as in real combat. Now that you have other people watching your back as a unit you can be a more effective killer in the game, an example of this is that in some of the delta force games you can take a helicopter and if your friend is flying it you and another friend can man the chain guns and you can cover a bigger area, and deciding on a plan before starting the game you can develop a good strategy as a professional gambler or Online Poker player would allowing you to focus on 1 thing instead of many different aspects of the game.

Many times I would jump into the pilots chair and other players would jump in and I would circle the enemy camp but the players in the back of my chopper would not attack instead they would jump out or just wait for me to land instead of helping me attack from the air. So instead of increasing our chances of winning by working together they just wanted to be a team of 1. This will decrease the chances of our team winning the game, just like a player at a blackjack table can make all the other players lose by making bad decisions when it is that players turn.
Formulating a good strategy, playing as a team and using all available tools at your disposal you can not only win more games and get more points, you will also have a better online gaming experience, and this applies to playing first person shooter games and gambling in online casinos.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Illinois casinos

Illinois is home to riverboat casinos, and there are 9 major casinos in Illinois. Illinois casinos have been limited by the government's restrictions and are taxed at the highest rate in the nation. The laws also limit the amount of gaming licenses that can be issued to 9, and the state is now at the maximum for gaming licenses. Illinois casinos do, however, offer a wide range of gaming options.

Illinois was the 5th state admitted to the union on December 3, 1818. It covers an area of 57,918 square miles. It is a Great Lakes state, and is nicknamed the "Prairie State". The population, as reported in December 2000, is 12,419,293 and it is the 5th most populated state in the U. S. With the introduction of the Alton Belle, Illinois became only the second state to allow riverboat casinos. All of the casinos offer great gaming from Slots to Blackjack to Roulette, and welcome all guests over the age of 21.

Argosy's Alton Belle Casino was the first riverboat casino in Illinois, opening its doors in 1991. It is located at 1 Front Street in Alton. There are three restaurants available for guests. The casino occupies 23,000 square feet and operates from 9am to 5pm every day. It features a 1,200-passenger yacht and a barge.

Argosy's Empress Casino is located at 2300 Empress Drive in Joliet. There are 85 rooms and 17 suites available at the casino hotel. The casino operates from 10am to 4am on Friday and from 10am to 4am on Saturday. There are three restaurants on site. The casino occupies 50,000 square feet, and has special features like an 80-space RV park and 2,500-passenger barge.

Casino Queen is located in East Saint Louis at 200 South Front Street. There are 150 rooms and 7 suites available at the casino as well. The casino operates from 9am to 7am daily. It occupies 27,500 square feet and offers many features. Besides gaming, Casino Queen offers a 2,500-passenger paddle wheeler, a 140-space RV park and easy access to MetroLink light-rail station.

These are only three of the nine Illinois casinos. They all offer special features that are worth taking a look at, like paddleboats and barges. Most casinos also offer great dining on site. Illinois casinos offer much more than gambling - they offer a great vacation experience.

Subliminal messages for improvement hearing the silent

How do Subliminal Messages work? It relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious part of the brain to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the person that hears the hidden suggestions, usually called subliminal affirmations, then it becomes a stable, strong pillar in that persons belief system.

What can Subliminal Messages be used for? The real question is what can't Subliminal Messages be used for. I've seen subliminal messages used for many, many issues. Basically, it can be used for anything a person can imagine. Losing weight and quitting bad habits is most commonly known. There is confidence, insomnia, stress, and sports improvement to name a few. There are also hypnotherapists doing some fabulous things with early stage cancer these days too.

Although Subliminals are rather new, hypnosis seems to have been around for quite sometime. It is believed by many that hypnosis has been around since the time of the Egyptian pyramids. Some believe that it was the practice of hypnosis that made the Egyptians so advanced for their time. Others believe that it dates back even further in time. There really is no way to know when hypnosis was first used. Hypnosis led researchers to study Subliminals more and today they are used in commercials to presidential campaigns! - Lets not forget the "Rats Commercial" a couple of years ago.....

Do you think subliminal messages are here to stay or just a fad? If you have noticed lately, the word "subliminal" is surfacing all over the place. For the first time ever, people are being educated about this subject and the fears of subliminal messages are being cleared. I truly believe it is here to stay and that one day it will become such common practice as brushing your teeth. It's inevitable with its natural simplicity and effective results. How else could you get the rapid progress you get with subliminal programming?

Does the practice of subliminal messages conflict with religion? No, not at all. Subliminal messages tap into a persons natural state that everyone possesses within themselves. If anything this can be used to become better people to one another. If you were to eliminate all the negativity inside you right now, wouldn't you feel more at peace with the world?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Starbucks iced coffee recipe versus all other iced coffee

- Are All Recipes The Same?

If you like iced coffee then I expect as you are probably a serious coffee lover you love the starbucks iced coffee recipe. If you are reading this article then you have tasted and know what iced coffee is and you will certainly have tried a starbucks iced coffee recipe. But iced coffee is not what you are thinking it is. You do not make a cup of hot coffee and wait for it to cool down or chill it in the freezer to make a glass of iced coffee. You could not be more wrong! Yes of course iced coffee is a variety of a hot brewed coffee, but there is a method to make it, a method that is different from the way a hot coffee is brewed and the starbucks iced coffee recipe is just gorgeous.

Making Iced Coffee - Tips And Tricks

Hot coffees are hot-brewed, but if you want to make iced coffee the way it was made when it was started, then you have to cold-brew the coffee. Yes, you read that right – You do not need to heat coffee if you want to make an iced coffee. All you need is a special pot, cold water, and coarsely grounded coffee beans! Or if you prefer try the starbucks iced coffee recipe below and you can be the judge.

• Pour the cold water in the pot.

• Put in the coarsely grounded coffee beans.

Other Ideas for you to try:

• Put some of the coffee you’ve made in the freezer and make ice cubes out of it.

• Try adding a bit of sugar syrup and a little chocolate flavoring.

• Top off your iced coffee with a generous helping of whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a flake to really impress your friends - they will think you are an iced coffee expert or an employee of starbucks coffee house!

What will happen is that the cold water will extract the coffee flavors but will not extract the bitter compounds and the fatty oils that are present in the beans. This means that the iced coffee, which is made, will have less acid content than what it would have had if it were hot-brewed. Coffee made using this method was originally called iced coffee. This method was invented in 1962 by a chemical engineer, Todd Simpson, and his company is still around today (It’s called Toddy Products).

If you choose to make iced coffee using the hot-brew method, then you must get the coffee into the refrigerator once it reaches room temperature. If you allow it to get colder than that, then it may lose its flavor.

Starbucks Iced Coffee Recipe:

Starbucks Frappuccino

• 2 shots (3 oz.) espresso

• 1/4 cup granulated sugar

• 2 1/2 cups low-fat milk

• 1 Tbls. pectin OR 1 tsp. pectin + 1 tsp. arrowroot

1. Stir sugar into espresso. Cool mixture.

2. Stir milk and pectin into espresso mixture until pectin is dissolved.

3. Fill a glass with ice and either serve mixture over ice, or pour glass contents into blender and blend for 30-45 seconds. Enjoy!

Secret formula of black jack winners

When someone plays a game, they play to win. One of the many simple games at the casino is Blackjack. For those who don not know how to play the game, it's always best to start by learning the basics.

When playing Blackjack the most important feature to remember is that there are four times as many cards that have a value of 10 (10, J, Q,K) as any other value. With this information, one must always assume that the next card to be drawn from the deck has a value of 10.

By keeping this in mind, one may realize that if one has any hand that has a value over 12 one will likely lose or in blackjack terms bust (go over 21). Likewise if the dealer's card is a 2-6 it is likely to draw a 10 card which means he will have to draw again, likely causing him to bust.

Another way to make the odds more favorable to the player than the dealer is by counting cards. This of course requires many pages and charts that must be memorized. Having a professionally written guide is very helpful and there are many different authors that have different styles and different counting systems. It's always best to get more than one opinion to find out which style works best.

Practice makes perfect. By investing time and money with online training software learning the game, it will eventually pay off at the casino.

Upon entering the casino, one must choose the right table to play at. When one observes that the players at a table seem to be winning a lot, it is a good time to join in the action. Likewise, if you notice the dealer has a lot of chips and the players seem to be doing more losing than winning, then look for a better table.

Reward the dealer by tipping when one is winning. If the dealer knows he will be tipped when the players wins, he may begin rooting and actually do subtle things to help such as performing less thorough shuffles and penetrating deeper into the shoe before he re-shuffles thus allowing the player to get a more accurate count of the cards.

Though if the dealer starts losing too much money for the casino the pit boss will likely change dealers.

Although it may be impossible to find the perfect game, one should be familiar with how certain house rules affect the player.

Keep in mind that as a rule of thumb, the fewer decks the casino uses the more advantageous it is for the player.

Tips on using a warm mist humidifier

Dry indoor air causes a wide variety of physical symptoms including a stuffy nose, dry cough, nosebleeds, dry skin and brittle hair. A warm mist humidifier will relieve these symptoms and help you sleep better. Dry air is common when the heat is turned on in the winter. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to humidify your home all year long. Excessive dryness causes wood furniture and flooring to crack and warp. Houseplants can dry out and the seams of your wallpaper could peel.

If your home is very dry and you need to add moisture to the air all year long, you may want to consider a whole house humidification system. These are installed on a forced air heating system and should be installed by a professional.

If you only need to use a humidifier in the winter weather, a single room model will be sufficient. These are plugged into any electrical outlet and can be used in the kitchen, bedroom or any other room in your home. The size of the water tank determines how long you can run the humidifier without adding water. Be sure the model you choose is large enough for the room and the amount of time it will be running.

Benefits of a Warm Mist Humidifier

A big benefit of the warm mist is the ability to put medication in the humidifier, as you can with a vaporizer. This is great for treating colds, congestion and winter viruses. Vaporizers release hot steam into the air and are notorious for causing burns in children. The steam in warm humidifiers is initially heated and then cooled just before it enters the room. This results in less risk of burns.

Because the water is heated, there is less risk of mold spores and bacteria breeding in the water. Since the mist is cooled before entering the room, mold can still grow, but happens less often than with cool mist humidifiers. Proper cleaning and maintenance can nearly eliminate mold spores in the air from the humidifier. In addition, monitor the humidity level in the room and make sure it doesn’t exceed fifty percent. Mold flourishes at higher levels of humidity.

Cleaning Your Warm Mist Humidifier

To keep your humidifier working well for years, regular cleaning and maintenance is needed. Always clean your humidifier according to the manufacturer’s directions. You will find this information in the owner’s manual. You should empty the water reservoir and rinse with clean water. Dry it out with a towel before adding new water. It’s best to do this each time you use it.

At the end of the season, give it a thorough cleaning before storing it. Use a disinfectant cleaner and dry thoroughly. You should clean the heating element at the end of the season to remove any build up that has accumulated. Doing this will help keep the air in your room cleaner.

Many warm mist machines have humidifier filters. The filter will need to be changed at least once, at the end of the season. Depending on the usage, you may need to change the filter more often. If you have hard water, the filter will need to be changed more often. Using distilled water can prevent the filter from becoming clogged with iron or other contaminants in your tap water.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

How to use ebay s promotional flyer tool

If you have an eBay store, then you can print off promotional flyers for it for free.

You might have seen ones that other sellers have sent you – they’re basically lists of items available in their eBay stores, usually bearing this default message: “Thank you for your purchase! Please visit my eBay Store for more great items and friendly, reliable customer service.” If you know what you’re doing, though, you can really make your flyer stand out from the crowd.

How Do I Do That?

Go to ‘My eBay’, then ‘Manage Your Store’. Now click ‘Promotions’, and you’ll see the ‘Store Promotional Flyer’ option there for you to use. A flyer will be automatically created using the settings and items from your eBay store, and you can customise it however you want. Be sure to add a border, to make your flyer more attractive visually.

Once you’ve created a flyer, you can print it as many times as you need to – it will be updated each time you print it to show your latest items, so you should only print what you need that day.

What Can I Do With the Flyers?

Well, there are all sorts of uses for promotional flyers.

While you could go and hand them out on the street, that probably wouldn’t be especially effective. Most of the people who walk past you and take the flyer will have no interest in your product, and it’ll just be a waste of paper, ink and time. No, as with all marketing, there are better ways to target your flyers.

Put them in envelopes: if you’ve been putting business cards or compliment slips in your envelopes, use the flyers instead. It’s like sending out a mini-catalogue to your buyers, and including the right items on it might help you make a few backend sales.

In your shop: If you have a real shop or business, then you can hand flyers out to your customers to let them know that you also sell things on eBay.

At a rival’s shop: This is a bit of guerrilla marketing, but maybe you’re into that. You can try handing your flyers out outside a shop that sells your items. Be aware that this might get the shop’s owners a little upset if they see you, however – you should only give flyers to people leaving the shop, not entering it.

Send them to businesses: Look up the addresses of businesses in the area that might need what you’re selling, and send them flyers in the post.

Flyers give you another advantage: If someone types your store’s address as it appears on the flyer and then buys something, then you’ll get the 75% final value fee credit for advertising, without even having to pay anything for advertising!

Users who are inexperienced on eBay, though, can create a few problems for you – they might not quite know what they’re doing, and that’s never good. In the next email, we’ll cover how to report and handle eBay transaction problems.

Brief overview of saltwater fly fishing reels

While saltwater fly fishing is all about getting good casts and the excitement of the fight, one of your most important purchases behind the rod, is the reel used in this exciting sport. Most reels used in this "extreme" fishing are single action reels and for good reason as their counterparts (Multiplier reels) aren't quite up to par. Multiplier reels are quite a bit more expensive and has many more moving parts. As anyone similar with fly fishing or saltwater can't tell you, the more moving parts something has the more trouble one can expect.

In single action reels, you have the choice between direct drive and anti-reverse reels. There difference is how the reel goes about releasing line from the spool. In the sport of fly fishing the most popular all-round is direct drive, where the handle spins backwards when line is released. This makes it easy for fly fisherman to tell how much line is going out and how much there retrieving but keep in mind most fly fisherman aren't trying to reel in line from a bonefish swimming at 20 mph which makes that spinning handle dangerous for your fingers, hands or anything else it could come in contact with. This is where anti-reverse reels come in for the rescue. The handle on an anti-reverse reel stays stationary as line is striped away from the reel. For lighter species the direct drive is a good choice. But for larger species both options have there pluses and minuses, because when the drag is set lightly on anti-reverse reels, they have a tendency to slip when reeling the line in.

It doesn't matter what type of reel you choose, an efficient drag system is one of the most important parts of the reel in saltwater fly fishing. Saltwater fish are much stronger and faster then most equivalent freshwater species and for that fact they require a better smoother drag for a fun fight. As technology increases, drags in these saltwater fly reels continue to get better and most quality name reels have able drag systems.

Saltwater fly reels come in a variety of sizes and like freshwater reels and rods they are sized according to what weight line they are made for. In saltwater fly fishing the reel size is crucial because large reels have a greater diameter of line on the spool, meaning the more line you’re able to reel in per crank of the reel. This becomes important when you’re fighting fish that may take out hundreds of yards of line. The size of the reel depends on the fish your targeting and how much line and backing you plan to use in fighting the fish. Fish such as speckled trout require much less line capacity compared to a tarpon or billfish. Also remember the heavier the weight line, the more reel capacity it takes up.

Saltwater fly reels unlike most freshwater reels are made of corrosion resistant materials to fight the harsh elements of saltwater. These stainless steels and anodized aluminum materials are still not tuff enough to fight against these elements. To make your investment last, you must clean your reel after every saltwater outing. Many anglers use an old toothbrush, to lightly scrub the reel inside and out with warm freshwater and a mild dish soap and re-lubricating the reel when necessary.

The saltwater fly reel is an important purchase to help enjoy this wonderful sport. Read reviews and research the product your about to spend your money on, you’d hate to lose the fish of a lifetime due to a poor decision when it comes to purchasing a saltwater fly reel.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

The psychology of a confident golf swing part 2

Here in England we are on the verge of the new football season and there is a large amount of transfer speculation and the like occurring. With football, we often find that the players who are doing well are confident. When they are having a great spell of the season, scored a lot of goals or something like that, their competence escalates as they feel more confidence. When their confidence is knocked, they might go through a bad spell and often their skills seem to be less available. My point here is that of self image and how we perceive ourselves. This is true with our golf swing also.

Our self-image often works like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I have got a great friend who won't mind me saying that he is not classically good looking (whatever that might be) however, he thinks of himself as attractive and as a result he carries a certain way about him that people are attracted to. Anyone who truly believes themselves to be acertain way; unnattractive or lacking in self-confidence for example, sabotage their chances of being anything else. This is the same with our own internal image of our golf swing.

Our self-image is very important to mention here; remember, you can never be better on the outside than you believe yourself to be on the inside. So you need to believe in your golf swing.

If someone feels negative, sad, angry or frustrated with their golf swing when they enter certain circumstances, events or situations, especially when taking to the golf course, it is very likely that they are going to feel lacking in confidence and this leads to lacking in competence with the golf swing. You need to change your self-image and paint a better picture of yourself in your mind as to how you believe your golf swing to be and what you feel capable of doing and being. No other person can reach inside us and change our feelings for us. If you really want to feel more confident about your golf swing, your self-image needs to be changed in relation to your golf swing. If you see yourself as successful, skilled and confident, you can enter any golf course with your head held high and standing tall and feeling safe and protected by it. You are feeling good about yourself and your golf swing.

We all react automatically to life according to our inner sense of ourselves. Our self-image is our inner sense of ourselves and we refer to that part of ourselves all the time to see how to behave or perform in certain circumstances. In other words, your reactions are founded in your self-image. Building and developing and creating a progressive, positive self-image with regards to your golf swing ensures that your automatic reactions come from a sense of freedom, confidence and are powerful.

I once attended a course whereby the facilitator had devised a wonderful technique that I use a lot with many of the individual clients that consult with me to better their golf swing. The reason I like it so much is because it makes you instantly feel good about your golf swing. This simple technique can be done absolutley any time that you are in a room with a mirror.

So many people I meet condition themselves to feel uncomfortable or bad when they look into a mirror by looking into it and thinking about fat, wrinkles or a blemish or how poor their golf swing is! I have noticed several of my friends look into a mirror and "tut" at themsleves while reminding themselves of all the bad things that attack our confidence. So this technique interupts that process and allows you to recondition yourself to feel better and more confident about your golf swing.

Ok, so first up, take a seat or position yourself comfortably in view of a mirror so that you will be able to see your entire self, however, do not look into it straight away. Just wait and look away for a moment.

Then, think about an occasion when someone you know was being sincere when they paid you a compliment following a shot you played. It can be any compliment what so ever of any kind related to your golf game.

Thirdly, remember what it was that they said and hear it again in your mind and remember how it made you feel. Locate where abouts in your body those feelings were. Really tune into them.

Now, imagine that feeling of being complimented, feeling good about your golf swing and feeling talented spreading through your system, working its way into your cells and into your mind, really imagine it spreading and travelling through you. Imagine that the more it spreads, the more intense the feelings become, this is going to make your golf swing awesome.

Now, turn or look up and into the mirror. Really look at yourself while feeling that feeling.

Spend some time enjoying this feeling.

Lastly, imagine taking a picture of yourself just like that image in the mirror. Imagine taking that picture right into your heart. Keep it there, right there, so that you can look at it whenever you want to remind yourself of how good you can feel about your golf swing.

Please remember; self-confidence is innate. It is built into us from the day we were born. We can often lose touch with it and learn to worry or lessen it, however, confidence is simply hard-wired into you. It is there all the time underneath your worries. Worries and lack with regards to your golf swing are things that can go up and down, can be learned and unlearned. Your confidence is always there beneath all that. Let it permeate in to your golf swing.

It is like when a baby keeps on wanting to walk and keeps on falling down and keeps on at it. However may times they stumble, they get up and they learn and they benefit from it. The persistence is rewarded. Your confidence is hard-wired into you. We all have it. Every technique in both parts of this confident golf swing article are just ways of reminding you all of what you already have.

Good luck with getting that confident golf swing.

Steps to a great self-adminstered scalp massage

A SELF-ADMINSTERED SCALP MASSAGE is a great way to enhance hair health. Scalp massages not only feel good, they enhance hair health by improving circulation and allowing more blood to flow to the scalp area. This eventually leads to shinier, healthier hair.

The first step is to decide if you want to use scalp oil. The best oils for a SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE depend on your needs. First, choose an oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil to use as a base. Then, pick the appropriate essential oils. For example, tea tree and lavender are often used for dandruff, rosemary and peppermint are sometimes used for hair loss, and chamomile and rose are often used if you are experiencing excess dryness. For each tablespoon of base oil you use, add two drops of essential oil. For each tablespoon of base oil you use, add two drops of essential oil.

The next step to a successful SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE is to brush your hair. This helps detangle the hair, adds some shine, and loosens any flakes that are attached to the scalp. The best brush to use before your will depend on your hair type. Long, straight hair requires a different brush than short, curly hair. Bend from the waist and brush your hair upside-down. This improves scalp circulation and helps give the hair more body.

To begin the SELF-ADMINSTERED SCALP MASSAGE. Place a small amount of the scalp oil on your fingers. Bend from the waist to allow MORE BLOOD FLOW TO SCALP. Touch the pads of your fingers firmly to the scalp area near your temples. Massage in a circular motion your hairline gradually working your way around the entire scalp. Add more oil to your fingers when necessary.

After you use all the oil, warm a dry towel for a few seconds in the microwave and place it on your head. Let the oil set for at least ten minutes. Try not to do anything during that time. Just lie down, close your eyes, and listen to relaxing music. This allows the oils to absorb into your hair and scalp to give it added moisture.

When ten minutes are up, you will need to shampoo and condition your hair to wash out the SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE oil. Gently brush your hair first to release any tangles. When you shampoo, keep in mind that you may need to lather up twice to get rid of all the oil. Follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. If your hair and scalp are extremely dry, leave the oil in overnight and shampoo and condition your hair in the morning.

Try to perform a SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE once a week. If done regularly, you will notice that your hair is shinier and stronger and has a lot more body. You may want to vary the essential oils as your needs change. Just make sure to do your research. Some essential oils may be harmful and/or cause allergic reactions. Also, certain oils are not to be used if pregnant or nursing.

The pros and cons of an online business degree program

After struggling through five years of college, I proudly graduated with not only my B. A. degree, but also a 20/20 hindsight reflection as to what was successful for me and what was distracting. Not surprisingly, the distractions also happened to be some of my favorite things about the college years. Living in the sorority house, staying out too late, the fact that work interfered with my class schedule, and just an overall struggle with balancing my daily academic responsibilities with what I really wanted to spend my time doing.

What I have concluded now that all is said and done? I should have switched from my traditional college setting to an online business degree program. My personality and lifestyle, like many others, respond much more positively to online independent study and there are quite a few reasons as to why.

While I was in college, I started to really pay attention to the TV commercials for higher education, dismissing my previous judgments that they were geared solely toward down & outers and deadbeats. Now suddenly it looked appealing. College wasn’t right for me. I had married my high school sweetheart and working full time was a necessity for both of us. I couldn’t just skip out on the weekly board meeting to go hang out in Accounting 101. Could an online business degree program be a reality? Is there a catch to it? Do employers really respect it as much as a regular, hard earned degree? Yes and no.

First of all, realize that while it is not regular, it is hard earned. Online degrees require a tremendous amount of discipline, since there is no professor in front of you on a daily basis, providing tutoring sessions and guidance on that upcoming assignment. Online degree candidates must be disciplined enough to carve out their own time for their education. It is not an easy fix. It is a lot of work.

Another downer to the online programs is that it comes with a pretty threatening price tag. Many colleges and universities made a huge investment in the birth of online degree programs. Because the majority of students still enroll in traditional desk time courses, colleges have but no choice to hike up online tuition enough to justify the program and make it profitable.

Of course, the price depends on the school that you are looking into enrolling, and many people will assure you that it is still a great idea. I can’t go to graduate school, and I don’t agree with the philosophy that when “life slows down” I can jump back into the academia life. Circumstances often change, but rarely slow down, and I am constantly battling my ambition and drive to accomplish all that I plan to at a young age.

With this being said, the online business program may or may not be for you. Look into financial aid, explore the sites, and make a decision that fits your lifestyle. If you are like me, then it just may work out. If you are the opposite, then it may be more worth your while to enroll in a traditional program. Either way, the educational system will embrace you, and thankfully so will employers. Recent studies show that an online business degree program is quickly enjoying more solid of a reputation and commanding more respect from hiring companies. In the next few years, the college experience and the “college experience” will be regarded as equals.

Don’t let the social stigmas of online degrees, or the hard work that is required scare you into making your decision. Rather be sure to explore and research the pros and cons as related to your own life. Pursue success, and in time success will surely come to you.

The plight of the aging drivers

Most adults, especially men, view their driver’s license as a mark of independence. This independence stems from owning their first car as a teenager. While the automobile is a powerful tool for independence and mobility, it is also potentially dangerous. At what age somebody becomes too old to drive is a sensitive subject as losing a license affects people's freedom and mobility. Many older people who are still very mentally agile are disconcerted by the fact that their means of getting around may disappear. A fear that they might led them to a change in their lifestyle.

Statistically speaking, older adults are nine times more likely to be involved in fatal car accidents than drivers aged 25 to 69, according to the U. S. Department of Transportation. Accidents involving older drivers can cause injury to both the older driver and other drivers and pedestrians. In 2000, older adults made up 9% of the resident population, but accounted for 13% of all traffic fatalities and 17% of all pedestrian fatalities.

Senior drivers over seventy do pose a risk. Statistics also show that more elderly drivers over the age of seventy are involved in fatal car accidents. There is concern on this matter because older drivers don't always do well in traffic situations due to slower reflexes and impaired vision. Generally. most senior drivers are good, safe drivers. They know their limitations and do their best to follow the rules of the road. But even the best and the safest drivers can have accidents when there are factors that impair their judgment or senses.

Some of the things that poses concern for senior drivers include poor vision, poor hearing, poor flexibility, limited range of motion, reduced reaction time and medications.

Other conditions or situations that can impair a driver's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle include:

Cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration can reduce visual acuity and limit visual fields, so a yearly eye exam is imperative for the elderly driver.

Something as simple as a clogged ear passage can create a hearing loss. A doctor can identify the problem and offer solutions, so have elderly hearing checked yearly.

Good drivers rely on looking out rear and side windows as well as checking rearview mirrors. When a driver lacks the ability to turn his head and shoulders to look outside, he may not see oncoming vehicles or obstacles traveling in the car's blindspot.

Many elderly drivers take several medications for health conditions. Those medications may interact with each other causing drowsiness or confusion.

As we age, we slow down, and reaction times diminish. Keeping extra space between the driver's and other cars can help reduce the likelihood of accidents, but there comes a time when reactions are too slow for road safety. When people begin to realize that their senses aren't as sharp as they used to be, their defense mechanisms kick in. They don't want to admit that they are forgetting things. They refuse to admit that they can't see or hear as clearly as before. They try to keep this information from their families and friends. One reason for such behavior is that they don't want to become dependent on others.

The keys to reducing accidents and unsafe driving are for older adults and their family members to recognize signs of unsafe driving, intervene appropriately, and find alternative means of transportation before safety becomes an issue.